So Im seeing all these experts saying that carbs are the only thing that matters for pre-event nutrition, but what about fats? Do they actually play a role or are they just something to be avoided like the plague? I mean, isnt it true that some of the best endurance athletes in the world are on high-fat diets? Or are they just anomalies? And what about the whole fat as a fuel source thing - isnt that just a myth perpetuated by the keto crowd? Seriously, can someone please explain to me why fats are never mentioned in the same breath as carbs when it comes to pre-event nutrition? Is it because theyre just not as sexy or is there actually some science behind it? And dont even get me started on the whole fat loading thing - is that just a bunch of hooey or is there some actual benefit to it? Im not looking for any bro-science or anecdotal evidence here, I want to know what the actual science says. So, experts, whats the deal with fats and pre-event nutrition? Are they useful or useless?