Can someone finally explain to me why everyones so obsessed with chasing high wattage numbers, as if theyre the sole determiner of a cyclists aerobic capacity? I mean, arent we all just drinking the Kool-Aid here? Newsflash: a high FTP doesnt automatically mean youre some kind of cardiovascular superhero. And whats with the constant emphasis on power-to-weight ratio? Is that really the only factor at play? Dont get me wrong, Im not advocating for a return to the Dark Ages of cycling, where we all just rode around on feel and intuition. But hasnt anyone stopped to think that maybe, just maybe, theres more to aerobic capacity than just how much wattage you can crank out? Like, what about muscular endurance? Anaerobic capacity? Lactate threshold? Are those just fancy terms we toss around to sound smart, or do they actually matter? And if so, how do they fit into the grand scheme of things? Or are we all just too busy chasing those sweet, sweet wattage gains to care about the nuances of human physiology?