What is the impact of wattage on a cyclists ability to maintain a steady effort on a road race course? Is it possible for a rider with a lower average wattage to maintain a steady pace and outlast their competitors, or does a higher average wattage always guarantee a better performance?
Can a rider with a lower Functional Threshold Power (FTP) still achieve a high placing in a road race if they have a more efficient pedaling technique, better bike handling skills, and superior tactical awareness? Or does having a higher wattage output always give a rider an unbeatable advantage, regardless of their other skills and attributes?
Does the importance of wattage vary depending on the type of road race course, with higher wattage outputs being more beneficial on flatter, more aerodynamic courses, and lower wattage outputs being more suitable for hillier, more technical courses?
How much of a difference does a 10-20 watt increase in average power output make in terms of a riders ability to maintain a steady effort over the course of a road race? Is this increase in power output enough to overcome other limitations, such as a lower FTP or less efficient pedaling technique?
Can a riders wattage output be improved through training and conditioning, or is it largely determined by their physical characteristics and genetic makeup? If a riders wattage output can be improved through training, what types of workouts and exercises are most effective for increasing power output?
Is there a point of diminishing returns when it comes to wattage output, where further increases in power output do not necessarily translate to better performance in a road race? If so, what is this point, and how can riders determine whether they have reached it?
Can a rider with a lower Functional Threshold Power (FTP) still achieve a high placing in a road race if they have a more efficient pedaling technique, better bike handling skills, and superior tactical awareness? Or does having a higher wattage output always give a rider an unbeatable advantage, regardless of their other skills and attributes?
Does the importance of wattage vary depending on the type of road race course, with higher wattage outputs being more beneficial on flatter, more aerodynamic courses, and lower wattage outputs being more suitable for hillier, more technical courses?
How much of a difference does a 10-20 watt increase in average power output make in terms of a riders ability to maintain a steady effort over the course of a road race? Is this increase in power output enough to overcome other limitations, such as a lower FTP or less efficient pedaling technique?
Can a riders wattage output be improved through training and conditioning, or is it largely determined by their physical characteristics and genetic makeup? If a riders wattage output can be improved through training, what types of workouts and exercises are most effective for increasing power output?
Is there a point of diminishing returns when it comes to wattage output, where further increases in power output do not necessarily translate to better performance in a road race? If so, what is this point, and how can riders determine whether they have reached it?