Whats the point of even talking about wattage on a gravel race course when everyone knows that the pros are just doping their way to the top? Are we really supposed to believe that some guy whos averaging 300 watts for 3 hours is just naturally gifted and not getting any extra help? Newsflash: its not the watts that are the issue, its the fact that nobodys testing for EPO in the gravel scene.
Lets get real here - if youre not producing at least 250 watts for an hour, youre not even in the game. But whats the actual impact of wattage on a cyclists ability to maintain a steady effort on a gravel race course? Is it really just a matter of who can produce the most power, or are there other factors at play? And dont even get me started on the whole Functional Threshold Power nonsense - who actually knows what that means?
Can someone please explain to me why I should care about my wattage output when its clear that the real winners are the ones with the best doctors? And whats the point of even trying to maintain a steady effort when the course is just going to be some boring, dusty road with a few rocks on it? Is gravel racing just a joke, or am I missing something?
Lets get real here - if youre not producing at least 250 watts for an hour, youre not even in the game. But whats the actual impact of wattage on a cyclists ability to maintain a steady effort on a gravel race course? Is it really just a matter of who can produce the most power, or are there other factors at play? And dont even get me started on the whole Functional Threshold Power nonsense - who actually knows what that means?
Can someone please explain to me why I should care about my wattage output when its clear that the real winners are the ones with the best doctors? And whats the point of even trying to maintain a steady effort when the course is just going to be some boring, dusty road with a few rocks on it? Is gravel racing just a joke, or am I missing something?