Can we please put an end to the one-size-fits-all myth when it comes to the Specialized Shiv Disc? Ive seen riders of vastly different heights and inseams riding the same size frame, and Im convinced its a recipe for discomfort, inefficiency, and possibly even injury.
Im not buying the notion that a 54cm frame is suitable for anyone between 58 and 62. Thats a four-inch height range, folks! Are we really expecting the same bike to fit a lanky 62 rider with a 34 inseam and a stocky 58 rider with a 30 inseam? It defies logic.
So, what is the ideal size and fit for a Specialized Shiv Disc? Shouldnt we be considering more than just height and inseam when sizing up a tri bike? What about arm length, torso length, and flexibility? Are there any Shiv Disc owners out there whove experimented with different sizes or custom fits? Lets get real – whats the optimal approach to sizing this bike, and why do so many of us seem to be winging it?
Im not buying the notion that a 54cm frame is suitable for anyone between 58 and 62. Thats a four-inch height range, folks! Are we really expecting the same bike to fit a lanky 62 rider with a 34 inseam and a stocky 58 rider with a 30 inseam? It defies logic.
So, what is the ideal size and fit for a Specialized Shiv Disc? Shouldnt we be considering more than just height and inseam when sizing up a tri bike? What about arm length, torso length, and flexibility? Are there any Shiv Disc owners out there whove experimented with different sizes or custom fits? Lets get real – whats the optimal approach to sizing this bike, and why do so many of us seem to be winging it?