Whats the point of splurging on a high-end bike like the BMC Timemachine 01 if youre not going to take the time to properly test the comfort and fit? I mean, seriously, who just buys a bike without putting it through its paces? Dont even get me started on those who think a quick spin around the block is enough to determine if a bike is comfortable. Newsflash: its not. So, whats the best way to test the comfort and fit of a BMC Timemachine 01? Is it worth shelling out for a professional bike fit, or can you get away with winging it and hoping for the best? And dont even get me started on the whole standover height myth - is that really a reliable way to determine fit? Inquiring minds want to know: whats the most effective way to test the comfort and fit of this bike, and what are the potential consequences of getting it wrong?