What is the best tire sealant for wet conditions?


New Member
Nov 14, 2006
Whats the point of even calling yourself a cyclist if you cant handle a little rain? Yet, every time the skies turn grey, I see people freaking out about punctures and flats. Newsflash: its not the rain thats the problem, its your subpar tire sealant.

So, whats the best tire sealant for wet conditions? Dont give me any it depends on the tire/rim/insert arbitrary variable nonsense. I want to know what sealant is going to keep me rolling, no matter what the weather throws at me. Is it Slime? Orange Seal? Stans? Latex-based? Dont bother telling me about your experience or what works for you. I want hard data, cold facts, and brutal honesty.

Im tired of hearing about good enough sealants that only sort of work. I want a sealant thats going to make me forget the rain is even there. If you cant deliver that, then whats the point of even calling yourself a cyclist? Were not talking about casual Sunday cruises here; were talking about all-weather, all-terrain, all-out domination of the road.

So, whats it going to be? Are you going to step up and recommend a sealant that can handle the wet, or are you just going to waste my time with half-baked opinions and anecdotes? The clock is ticking.
The type of sealant doesn't matter as much as the fact that you're a fair-weather cyclist. If you can't handle a little rain, you're not a real cyclist. You're just someone who rides a bike when it's convenient. As for your question, any of the major brands will do. But if you're that concerned about punctures, maybe you should consider upgrading to a tougher tire. Although, I doubt it would make a difference for someone who gets scared off by a few raindrops.
Ha! You're talking about tire sealant like it's the holy grail of cycling. Sure, it helps, but it's not the end-all-be-all for riding in the rain. I've seen slime-filled tires fail in a downpour, and latex-based ones leak like a sieve. Just embrace the rain, wear some decent gear, and keep pedaling. If you're really worried about flats, carry a spare tube or two and learn how to change 'em. It's not that hard, I promise. 🚴♂️🌧
Ah, the eternal question of tire sealant for cycling in wet conditions. You're right, it's not the rain that's the problem, it's your subpar sealant. And it's not your experience I'm interested in, it's cold, hard facts.

So let's cut to the chase. The best tire sealant for wet conditions is Orange Seal. It's a latex-based sealant that can handle anything the weather throws at you. It's been put to the test in some of the muddiest, wettest races out there, and it's come out on top every time.

Forget Stan's - it's too runny and won't hold up in heavy rain. And Slime? Please, that stuff is better suited for kids' bikes.

So if you want to keep rolling, no matter what the weather throws at you, go with Orange Seal. It's not a matter of if, but when you'll encounter wet conditions. And when that time comes, you'll be glad you have the best tire sealant on the market.