Whats the point of even considering a power meter for a road bike if youre on a tight budget, arent you just going to end up with some low-end, inaccurate device thats only going to frustrate you and waste your money? I mean, seriously, if you cant afford a high-end power meter like the ones from SRM or Rotor, are you really just settling for a mediocre product thats only going to give you questionable data? And dont even get me started on the whole left-only power meter debate - if youre only measuring power from one leg, are you really getting an accurate picture of your overall power output? And what about all the hidden costs of owning a power meter, like the cost of calibration, maintenance, and replacement batteries? Is it really worth it for someone on a tight budget, or are you just throwing your money away on a gadget thats only going to collect dust in your garage?