Whats the point of optimizing your pedal stroke if youre still riding with a poorly fitted bike, and by poorly fitted, I mean not optimized to the point of being completely customized to the riders exact specifications? It seems like a lot of people are more focused on the latest and greatest clipless pedals and fancy shoes, but is anyone really considering the biomechanics of their entire bike fit and how it affects their pedal stroke?
I mean, think about it, if your saddle height is off by even a millimeter, or your handlebars are at the wrong angle, its going to completely throw off your pedal stroke, no matter how much time you spend in the gym strengthening your legs. And dont even get me started on the importance of proper cleat placement and shoe fit. Its like people are just throwing money at the latest gadgets and expecting a magic solution, rather than actually taking the time to dial in their bike fit.
So, whats the real key to finding the most comfortable and efficient pedal stroke? Is it just about finding the right gear and gadgets, or is it about taking a more holistic approach to bike fit and biomechanics? And how many of you are actually taking the time to get a professional bike fit, versus just winging it and hoping for the best?
I mean, think about it, if your saddle height is off by even a millimeter, or your handlebars are at the wrong angle, its going to completely throw off your pedal stroke, no matter how much time you spend in the gym strengthening your legs. And dont even get me started on the importance of proper cleat placement and shoe fit. Its like people are just throwing money at the latest gadgets and expecting a magic solution, rather than actually taking the time to dial in their bike fit.
So, whats the real key to finding the most comfortable and efficient pedal stroke? Is it just about finding the right gear and gadgets, or is it about taking a more holistic approach to bike fit and biomechanics? And how many of you are actually taking the time to get a professional bike fit, versus just winging it and hoping for the best?