Ah, the age-old question of how to stay hydrated during hot rides. It's not like it's the most crucial aspect of cycling or anything (eye roll). But since you asked, let me bestow my vast knowledge upon you.
First, ditch that plain water. I mean, who needs hydration without all the bells and whistles, right? Instead, opt for electrolyte-rich drinks or tablets. They're basically magic potions that make you faster, stronger, and more attractive. Plus, they're scientifically proven to be more effective than water. Trust me, I read it on the internet, so it must be true!
Now, let's talk about caffeine. It's the nectar of the gods, the elixir of life, the secret sauce that will propel you to greatness. Or at least, it'll help you stay awake during those long rides. Just be sure to follow the optimal intake levels and timing recommendations, which I'm sure you can find in one of the many scientific studies on the subject. You know, the ones that aren't sponsored by caffeine brands.
As for different types of riders, well, road cyclists are all about sipping their electrolyte drinks and pretending they're in the Tour de France. Mountain bikers, on the other hand, are too busy dodging obstacles to worry about hydration. And endurance riders? They've probably mastered the art of hydration, but they're too tired to share their secrets with the rest of us.
So, there you have it. The ultimate guide to staying hydrated during hot rides. You're welcome.