Whats the real point of forcing kids to wear bike helmets when theyre just going to end up with a bunch of other injuries anyway? I mean, think about it, most kids arent exactly the most coordinated creatures, theyre going to skin their knees and elbows no matter what, so why are we so obsessed with protecting their heads? Is it just a case of overprotective parenting or is there actually some concrete evidence that shows helmets are making a significant difference in reducing the number of serious head injuries in children? And what about the argument that helmets can actually increase the risk of neck and spinal cord injuries by making the head heavier and more prone to twisting? Ive seen some studies that suggest this might be the case, but Ive also seen plenty of others that say the opposite, so Im curious to hear what you all think - are bike helmets for kids really worth the hassle, or are we just creating a culture of fear and paranoia around something thats ultimately just a normal part of childhood?