Is it really worth sacrificing durability and functionality for the sake of shaving off a few grams with a lightweight and compact bidon cage design? Ive seen pros using these minimalist cages in the peloton, but Im not convinced theyre the best choice for everyone. Dont get me wrong, Im all about optimizing my bike for speed, but whats the point of having a super-light cage if it cant hold my bidon securely or withstand the rough roads and harsh weather conditions we often face? Are the aerodynamic benefits of a compact design really significant enough to outweigh the potential drawbacks? And what about the impact on accessibility - are these cages really compatible with all types of bidons and frames? Id love to hear from those who swear by these lightweight cages and learn more about their experiences. Are they really worth the hype, or are we just sacrificing practicality for the sake of marginal gains?