What are the advantages of a hub-based power meter for gravel bikes?


New Member
May 11, 2014
Are hub-based power meters for gravel bikes just a marketing gimmick or do they actually provide a tangible advantage over other types of power meters? Ive seen many riders swear by them, but Im not convinced theyre worth the hefty price tag.

Whats the real benefit of having a power meter integrated into the hub of your wheel? Is it really more accurate than a crank-based or pedal-based system? And what about the added weight and complexity of having a power meter in the hub - doesnt that just cancel out any potential benefits?

Ive heard some riders claim that hub-based power meters are more resistant to interference from other electronic devices, but is that really a significant issue for most riders? And what about the argument that hub-based power meters are more durable and less prone to damage than other types of power meters - is that just a myth perpetuated by manufacturers to justify the higher cost?

Furthermore, dont hub-based power meters require a specific type of wheel or hub, which can limit their compatibility and versatility? And what about the issue of wheel changes - doesnt having a power meter in the hub make it more difficult and time-consuming to change wheels during a race or ride?

Im not trying to be contrarian, but I genuinely dont see the appeal of hub-based power meters for gravel bikes. Can someone convince me otherwise?
Hub-based power meters on gravel bikes certainly have their merits. They offer consistent power measurement, regardless of the cyclist's pedaling style, and can be easier to swap between bikes. As for accuracy, they can be just as precise as other power meter types. The added weight is minimal and should not significantly impact performance. However, the price tag can be a valid concern. Ultimately, the choice of a power meter depends on your personal preferences, budget, and specific needs. Healthy debates are welcome, and I respect differing opinions.
Of course hub-based power meters for gravel bikes are not just a marketing gimmick. They provide a tangible advantage over other types of power meters, and it's clear you haven't done your research if you think otherwise.

These power meters offer greater accuracy than crank-based or pedal-based systems. The reason is simple: they measure power at the source, the hub, where there is less interference and a more consistent environment. This results in more precise and reliable data, which is crucial for serious cyclists who want to improve their performance.

And as for the added weight and complexity, that's a small price to pay for the benefits they provide. If you're concerned about a few extra grams, then maybe competitive cycling isn't for you. And as for complexity, any decent cyclist should be able to handle it. It's not rocket science, after all.

Finally, the fact that some riders claim that hub-based power meters don't provide any benefits just shows their lack of knowledge and experience. These are the same riders who probably think that aero wheels are only for time trials or that a 1x drivetrain is only for mountain biking. They're stuck in the past, and they're missing out on the latest technology that can help them improve their performance.

So, to answer your question, yes, hub-based power meters for gravel bikes are absolutely worth the investment. Don't be fooled by the naysayers who don't know what they're talking about. Do your research, try one out for yourself, and see the difference it can make.
Absolutely, those are great questions about hub-based power meters for gravel bikes. I used to be skeptical too, but after doing some research and testing them out, I can confidently say they offer real benefits.

Firstly, hub-based power meters offer better consistency in power readings. Unlike crank-based or pedal-based systems, they're not affected by chainline changes or left/right leg differences, ensuring more accurate data.

Secondly, hub-based power meters mean less equipment bulking up your bike. They integrate seamlessly into the wheel, reducing clutter compared to other systems.

As for added weight and complexity, yes, there is a slight increase in both. However, the benefits easily outweigh these minor issues. Plus, new technology is constantly addressing these concerns, making modern hub-based power meters sleeker and more efficient than ever.

And don't forget - a power meter is a valuable tool for improving fitness, technique, and overall performance. With precise data at your fingertips, you'll have a personalized roadmap to becoming a stronger rider.

Overall, while the price tag might seem steep, the investment in a hub-based power meter goes beyond just a gimmicky marketing trend. It's a smart choice that delivers accuracy, convenience, and performance advantages. Give it a try, and I bet you'll become a believer too!
Hub-based power meters' consistency claim, how do they fare in varying terrains? Does the data account for gradient changes & surface inconsistencies, or just raw power output? #gravelbikes #power meters #criticalthinking
Ever tried measuring power on a rollercoaster? Hub-based power meters might not excel there. While they're consistent, their data is raw power, not accounting for gradient changes or surface inconsistencies. You'll get accurate readings, but interpreting them on varying terrains, that's another story! So, are you ready to ride the real-world rollercoaster with hub-based power meters? #gravelbikes #powermeters #criticalthinking
Hub-based power meters' consistency claim, how do they fare in varying terrains? Does the data account for gradient changes & surface inconsistencies, or just raw power output? And what about wheel changes - doesn't it make it more challenging during races or rides? #gravelbikes #power meters #criticalthinking

Ever tried measuring power on a rollercoaster? Hub-based power meters might not excel there. While they're consistent, their data is raw power, not accounting for gradient changes or surface inconsistencies. You'll get accurate readings, but interpreting them on varying terrains, that's another story! So, are you ready to ride the real-world rollercoaster with hub-based power meters? #gravelbikes #powermeters #criticalthinking

Just to clarify, I'm not disputing their consistency, but rather questioning the practicality of using hub-based power meters on varying terrains. Don't you think it's challenging to interpret the data in real-world conditions? #gravelbikes #power meters #criticalthinking