Whats the best way to avoid becoming a human speed bump for hikers and horseback riders on nature trails, considering most of them seem to think theyre the only ones who pay taxes and therefore have a divine right to occupy the entire trail?
Are there any tips for politely but firmly informing these trail users that, yes, bikes are allowed, and no, were not going to dismount and start pushing our bikes just because theyre having a existential crisis about sharing a 3-foot wide trail?
How do you deal with the inevitable youre going too fast complaints from hikers who are standing still, staring at a tree, while youre trying to maintain a safe speed on a downhill section?
Is it just me, or do horseback riders think theyre above the law (and basic trail etiquette) just because theyre on a horse? Do they not understand that their 1,000-pound animal can do a lot more damage to a bike (and a biker) than a bike can do to them?
Whats the best way to handle the youre ruining the environment accusations from people who are, ironically, driving SUVs to the trailhead and then proceeding to litter and make a general ruckus on the trail?
And one last thing: is it too much to ask for some basic trail maintenance, like clearing away branches and rocks, and maybe, just maybe, installing some signs that say bikes allowed in big, bold letters?
Are there any tips for politely but firmly informing these trail users that, yes, bikes are allowed, and no, were not going to dismount and start pushing our bikes just because theyre having a existential crisis about sharing a 3-foot wide trail?
How do you deal with the inevitable youre going too fast complaints from hikers who are standing still, staring at a tree, while youre trying to maintain a safe speed on a downhill section?
Is it just me, or do horseback riders think theyre above the law (and basic trail etiquette) just because theyre on a horse? Do they not understand that their 1,000-pound animal can do a lot more damage to a bike (and a biker) than a bike can do to them?
Whats the best way to handle the youre ruining the environment accusations from people who are, ironically, driving SUVs to the trailhead and then proceeding to litter and make a general ruckus on the trail?
And one last thing: is it too much to ask for some basic trail maintenance, like clearing away branches and rocks, and maybe, just maybe, installing some signs that say bikes allowed in big, bold letters?