Is it really necessary to pay attention to pacing and effort management during multi-day electric road bike tours, considering the assistance provided by the motor, or should we just focus on enjoying the ride and let the technology handle the hard work. On one hand, maintaining a consistent pace can help conserve battery life and ensure a more enjoyable ride, but on the other hand, isnt the whole point of an e-road bike to make the ride easier and more accessible to a wider range of riders.
Shouldnt we be more focused on the scenery, the camaraderie with our fellow riders, and the overall experience, rather than obsessing over pace and effort levels. Are we somehow spoiling the experience by relying too heavily on the motor and not pushing ourselves hard enough. Or is this just another case of road cyclists being elitist and out of touch with the needs and desires of the average rider.
What are some strategies for finding a balance between enjoying the ride and managing effort levels, or is this even a concern for most e-road bike tourers. Do we need to redefine what it means to be a strong rider in the context of e-road biking, and focus on skills and techniques that are more relevant to this style of riding.
Shouldnt we be more focused on the scenery, the camaraderie with our fellow riders, and the overall experience, rather than obsessing over pace and effort levels. Are we somehow spoiling the experience by relying too heavily on the motor and not pushing ourselves hard enough. Or is this just another case of road cyclists being elitist and out of touch with the needs and desires of the average rider.
What are some strategies for finding a balance between enjoying the ride and managing effort levels, or is this even a concern for most e-road bike tourers. Do we need to redefine what it means to be a strong rider in the context of e-road biking, and focus on skills and techniques that are more relevant to this style of riding.