Whats the point of even calling yourself a mountain biker if youre just gonna stick it in easy mode and let the motor do all the work on extended climbs? Dont get me wrong, Im not hating on eMTBs, but if youre not even gonna try to pace yourself and manage your effort levels, whats the challenge?
Are you guys just cruising up hills like its a Sunday stroll, or are you actually putting in some real work? I mean, Ive seen people on eMTBs who can barely make it up a small incline without needing an oxygen tank, and its just embarrassing.
If youre gonna ride an eMTB, at least have the decency to try to ride it like a real bike. So, what are some strategies for pacing and managing effort levels during extended climbs and descents on electric mountain bikes? Or is that just too hard for you motorheads?
Do you guys even know what it means to really push yourself on a bike, or are you just relying on the motor to bail you out all the time? I mean, Ive seen people on eMTBs who are literally just sitting there, not even pedaling, while theyre cruising up a hill. Whats the point of that?
If youre not gonna put in any effort, why bother calling yourself a mountain biker? Its just a joke. So, come on, eMTB enthusiasts, show me what youre working with. What are your strategies for pacing and managing effort levels on extended climbs and descents? Or are you just gonna admit that youre not really mountain bikers at all?
Are you guys just cruising up hills like its a Sunday stroll, or are you actually putting in some real work? I mean, Ive seen people on eMTBs who can barely make it up a small incline without needing an oxygen tank, and its just embarrassing.
If youre gonna ride an eMTB, at least have the decency to try to ride it like a real bike. So, what are some strategies for pacing and managing effort levels during extended climbs and descents on electric mountain bikes? Or is that just too hard for you motorheads?
Do you guys even know what it means to really push yourself on a bike, or are you just relying on the motor to bail you out all the time? I mean, Ive seen people on eMTBs who are literally just sitting there, not even pedaling, while theyre cruising up a hill. Whats the point of that?
If youre not gonna put in any effort, why bother calling yourself a mountain biker? Its just a joke. So, come on, eMTB enthusiasts, show me what youre working with. What are your strategies for pacing and managing effort levels on extended climbs and descents? Or are you just gonna admit that youre not really mountain bikers at all?