Are high-calorie sports drinks and energy gels really the best way to fuel our bodies during long rides, or are they just a quick fix that can lead to digestive issues and decreased performance in the long run? Shouldnt we be focusing on teaching our bodies to burn fat more efficiently, rather than relying on a constant stream of sugary snacks to get us through a ride? And what about the mental challenge of consuming enough calories - how do you guys deal with the feeling of being constantly hungry and lightheaded on long rides, while also trying to avoid eating too much and feeling bloated and uncomfortable? Is it just a matter of toughing it out and getting used to the feeling, or are there some strategies that can help make fueling on the bike feel less like a chore? And what role do you think nutrition plays in the mental game of cycling - do you think the right foods can actually help boost your mood and energy levels, or is it all just a matter of mental toughness?