Are some of the most widely accepted health benefits of cycling actually nothing more than myths perpetuated by the cycling community, and if so, what impact does this have on how we approach our training and overall health. For example, do we really need to be concerned with lactic acid buildup, or is this just a myth with no basis in scientific fact. Some proponents of high-intensity interval training claim that this type of training is necessary to improve cardiovascular health, but is this really the case, or are other types of training just as effective. What about the idea that cycling is a low-impact activity and therefore easier on the joints. Is this really true, or are there certain types of cycling, such as mountain biking, that are actually more stressful on the joints than other activities. And what about the claim that cycling can help to improve balance and coordination. Is this really the case, or are other activities, such as yoga or tai chi, more effective at improving balance and coordination. Id love to hear from some of the more experienced cyclists out there and get their take on some of these common myths about cycling and health. Are there any other myths that weve been led to believe that are actually false, and how do we know what to believe when it comes to the health benefits of cycling. Can we really trust the information thats out there, or is it all just a bunch of hype perpetuated by the cycling industry. Im not looking for opinions or anecdotes, but rather facts and scientific evidence to back up the claims. Lets get a discussion going and separate fact from fiction when it comes to the health benefits of cycling.