Wednesday in Santa Barbara, Muni ride and then Kris's demonstration



I thought I'd let one of the local SB'ers start this but no one has.

Kris Holm had a demonstration at the Horny Toad outdoor clothing store
Wednesday night. They sponsor him. A bunch of guys from around southern
California met that afternoon to ride in the hills above the mission. 9
of us total. 3 from San Diego, 2 from Longbeach, me from Ventura, and 3
from Santa Barbara. The ride was awesome. Fortunately it wasn't nearly
as hot as the day before and we all survived.

At 7:30 we all made it to the store where Kris was. There were about 40
people in the store I think. Kris asked who could ride and probably 75%
of the people raised their hands. It was awesome. He showed his skills
off for a while. Basic things like one foot forwards, backwards...
:rolleyes: Then hopping up onto picnic tables, mounting and riding on
rails, riding on the side. All very nice things. Afterwards there was a
raffle, shirts, hats, some sunglasses, and a KH20 freestyle. I didn't
win anything. I had 197 and 179 and 196 were both called but not mine.
Grr. After this we all hung out buying stuff and trying the unicycles
Kris had brought. He gave people tips on learning different things.

Unfortunately Kris was too busy to ride with us that day or ride with
anyone the next day. On the whole it was a great day.

Some guys took pictures of our ride. Someone even took some videos. I
think the only videos that I was in are ones where I am carrying my 20"
Summit down the parts I couldn't ride. I DIDN'T WALK THE WHOLE TRAIL! :D

For those who took pictures, once you put them up I'd like to see them.

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Cool! About 7 hours after you first met Kris, Zach Jucha, Mike
Middleton, and I met in Justin Herman plaza (the same place where Mike
and I met Mango (Eric)) to do some filming, ourselves. We got a ton of
video, and had a great time. There was one move I have down, except when
Zach's camera is trained on me. I did it twice in a row without any
dabs, and then Zach filmed me and I didn't land it once in the next
fifteen tries:mad: . About forty takes and two hours later, i landed it
cleanly. Mabey Zach'll put it in his video. Mike landed this awesome
pedalgrab into a gap up onto a trashcan. It was mad sick, although I
then turned green with envy :( . It was from this pole that I beat Mike
up by a week, but then he breaks out this gap off of the pole onto a
trashcan, and I never landed it. Whatever. All in good fun. Also, seeing
it was amazing.

Zach landed some cool grinds, and Mike *nearly* landed a 31" hop about
five times. He kept getting up but having his tire slip. I myself set a
personal height record as I waited for Zach-29 inches! Mike also got a
mad sick gap on viedo, and a nice pedalgrab onto a planter. We also got
video of him doing a fakey rolling six set. If you don't know what that
means, get Zach's video when it comes out and watch. I wanted to land my
most epic trick ever, but sadly some people were in the way. I was going
to jump onto a park bench, and then do a rather large pedalgrab onto a
3" diameter pole about 4 feet off the ground,a dn then go over the pole.
But, alas, solme people decided ot sit on the bench:( .

Hope you had fun, I know I did. Also, if Zach puts our riding in his
video, it'll be the first time I'll ever be in any sort of vid:) .

P.S. Sorry for the thread jackifying.

gerblefranklin - Trials Unicyclist

Don't you think it's a cruel irony that acting like a G.I. Joe in the
army can get you a Medal, while playing with one can get you thrown out?
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That was a good time for all. He had brought in a bike rack, one with a
L design. The top tube must have been 2" in diameter. It was awesome
watching him place the tuni up on the top, free mount onto the tuni,
balance and then ride the length and off. He did that several times.

After his demonstrations, he did a mini workshop in a 6 x 6' foot area
sandwiched within some clothing racks. He's always cordial and answers
all questions. It was informative just listening.

I was surprised by the families, I figured it would be just kids and
adults. I videoed the entire thing, but was on the ground with my son
Nikolaus in my lap, who at times moved around and bumped the camara. I
still haven't had time to view the footage. Not sure if it would fit in
the gallery, due to it's size. I hope to put it on CD, then maybe send
a copy to people, but realistically, things are hectic enough, and it
won't get done.

You have to see him ride rough terrain, that's a kick! He's got the
alacrity of a cat.

I was talking to Hans afterward and he commented on Mango and crew as
the guys from San Diego. He was really amazed at their riding.

teachndad - The Munieer

Rod Wylie

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Whoa there cowboy! Gerblefranklin lives up in Berkeley and is about 12
years younger, weighs a third less than me and has MUCH less tattoo work

Sorry it took me so long to post something about the ride but it took me
the last few days to make up for skipping out on work early on

So Wednesday @ 2:00 finally shows up and Eyal and I take off from UCSB.
We swing by his place to pick up gear then off to meet what we think is
only going to be 2 guys from San Diego. When we pull up there are 5
guys standing in the parking lot with unicycles. After getting out and
meeting everyone another person pulled up. So the group consisted of
Matt from SB(me), Eyal from SB, Matt from Ventura (rayden), Andrew from
Long Beach, Andrew's friend from Cypress (Sorry I can't remember your
name), Erik from San Diego (Mango) and Jake and John from San Diego + we
met Hans from Santa Barbara at the trailhead. Total of 9 riders.

Everyone packed up in cars and we headed off to Cold Springs. For some
reason when I programmed in the coordinates for Cold springs in my
trucks autopilot I accidentally hit "Romero Canyon". Although this too
is a fun trail it was not the one that Hans was waiting at. We finally
ended up at Cold Springs, geared up, and started the hike up to the top.

I of course was bringing up the rear and took the shortcut over to the
main trail. The others went to the Edison Catwalk and dropped in. The
ride down was great. We got to see how other people handle the same
sections that give us a hard time. Nothing like some fresh blood on the

We had pretty varying skill levels out on the trail and everyone did
great. Cold Springs has some VERY dangerous sections with nothing on
the right but 50 - 100 ft drops. Everyone rode within there skill
levels in these sections and only one uni went overboard and Jake was
able to recover.

Santa Barbara is in danger of having its front country trails closed to
Mountain Bikes/Muni's. I brought this up to everyone before the ride
and asked that we get off the unicycles when hikers are approaching and
let them pass with a nice hello. I'd like to thank everyone for doing
such a great job on trail etiquette. The only person who didn't do well
was myself for forgetting to bring trail bells for everyone.

So we finished up the ride and met up @ SB Outfitters @ 7:30. There was
a large crowd including most of the MTB folks I had told about the
event. What I wasn't expecting were all the local kids and late teens
that had unicycles. We passed out lots of club cards offering free
unicycle lessons. Kris was great! I have seen more riding pictures of
him than I care to admit and none of them compare to seeing his skills
in person.

Thanks to everyone who came out. Although I wasn't expecting that many
people on the ride I was sure glad you all came. We've got to do it
again soon!

As for pictures, my camera died before riding. Hans took 'these'
( Robert Berstein, a local
unicyclist, took 'these' (


myocardial - I fell into a burning ring of fire.

Matt Wilhelm
Illustrated One Wheeler
Santa Barbara Unicycle Club
[email protected]
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Matt from Ventura (Rayden),

> And Teachndad you didn't go on the ride Wed right?

Nope, I wasn't at the ride. I've ridden with Hans a few times when Scot
Cooper pulled me in for a ride when he was down here. One of these days
I will get up there again, but probably not until after school is out.
Weekdays will be best and in the morning. I will be in touch with Matt
for rides up there. Rayden, maybe we can meet for a ride between
Ventura and West Hills in June - August. I did one six miler in
Newberry park once. Not too much technical stuff though.

The Munieer - Mountaineer + Uni = MUnieer

Rod Wylie

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This is what it looks like when Kris Holm has thoroughly blown your mind
:D (Hans left, Andrew right):


Thanks a lot guys! I had such a good time! I had that look on my face at
KH's thing too. haha.

That was the most people i've ever munied with. And what an awesome
trail! Everyone did great too. Thanks for letting me borrow your muni
for that section, Eyal.

Here are pics of the kritters Jon and Jake pulled outa the stream
towards the end of the muni ride:


...those crazy kids!

I'll definitely come ride with you all again! I'll try to post some more
when im not so brain dead. I hope you get home safe, Mr. Holm.

Thanks thanks thanks!

PS. I managed to get a little poison oak on my face. lol. Figures i
would get it.

PPS. I hate P.S.'s

mango - unity - as 1 stand together

"...I speculated that if we all got to know each other, one lawn mower
would be enough for any neighborhood." -Keith Cash
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myocardial wrote:
> *Whoa there cowboy! Gerblefranklin lives up in Berkeley and is about
> 12 years younger, weighs a third less than me and has MUCH less tattoo
> work :)
> *

All true, except I live in SF:) .
As for the poision oak, how does one get poision oak on their face? I
went on a muni ride with Nathan Hoover, Zack Baldwin, and Mike
Middleton, and according to Zack, Nathan, and Mike, I rode, crawled
(steep, slippery hill. I fiigured I could grab some shrubs to help me
up), and walked through a large amount of poision oak. But I never felt
a thing. How does one tell?

gerblefranklin - Trials Unicyclist

Don't you think it's a cruel irony that acting like a G.I. Joe in the
army can get you a Medal, while playing with one can get you thrown out?
gerblefranklin's Profile:
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gerblefranklin wrote:
> *
> All true, except I live in SF:) .
> As for the poision oak, how does one get poision oak on their face? I
> went on a muni ride with Nathan Hoover, Zack Baldwin, and Mike
> Middleton, and according to Zack, Nathan, and Mike, I rode, crawled
> (steep, slippery hill. I fiigured I could grab some shrubs to help me
> up), and walked through a large amount of poision oak. But I never
> felt a thing. How does one tell? *

Ha, sorry about that Bevan I guess I thought you were in Berkerly
because I remember you talking about some of the Co-ops there.

So how many days ago was it that you crawled through the poison oak.
I'm severly allergic but it takes about 4 days before it starts to show
up. Even if you don't show any signs don't assume you're not allergic.
I didn't have reactions to poison oak or Ivy until I was about 21. Now
I can't get anywhere near the stuff with out having a reaction.

I just had some show up on me today from my ride on wednesday. Guess I
missed a spot with the Technu. :mad:


myocardial - I fell into a burning ring of fire.

Matt Wilhelm
Illustrated One Wheeler
Santa Barbara Unicycle Club
[email protected]
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As for some of the footage, Zack said he'd release the vid on DVD when
it was done. he said it'd be free, except for shipping. I myself don't
have any of the footage. As for the poision oak, I think it was about 43
days ago:) . So I guess I didn't react. I don't know if I'm allergic.

gerblefranklin - Trials Unicyclist

Don't you think it's a cruel irony that acting like a G.I. Joe in the
army can get you a Medal, while playing with one can get you thrown out?
gerblefranklin's Profile:
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