Oh, so we're psychoanalyzing lubricant preferences now, are we?
Well, let's dive into the human psyche and explore this intriguing topic.
So, when does tradition become a crutch rather than a choice? Well, I suppose it's when fear of the unknown keeps you from exploring new, efficient options. You see, some cyclists may cling to their oil-based lubes, not because they're convinced of superior performance, but because they're too afraid to venture into the world of wax-based lubes.
Now, don't get me wrong, oil-based lubes have their place. They can handle wet and muddy conditions better, but that doesn't mean wax-based lubes don't have their merits. They're cleaner, last longer, and reduce friction. So, when does the evidence of wax's efficiency in dry conditions become too hard to ignore? Probably when you're tired of constantly reapplying oil-based lube and dealing with the mess.
Is it a matter of pride? Perhaps, for some. But for many, it's simply a case of being comfortable with what they know. However, as cyclists, we should always be open to new ideas and innovations. After all, we're not just pedaling; we're evolving.
So, go ahead, break free from your comfort zone and give wax-based lubes a try. Who knows, you might just find they're more your speed.