Vibration damping

[email protected] wrote:es around 15 degrees rake.

> It's like tying and soldering
> spokes. Not long a go we had contributors here who could feel the
> difference.

Last week, I met a guy at the Palo Alto train station on an Al Specialized
E5. I asked him how he liked the bike. He told me how much better and
lighter it was than his last frame, but then noted how when he tied &
soldered his spokes, what a huge difference it made. I smiled, thinking
that if Jobst was there we'd have missed the train, surely. The case he makes
against this approach is a strong one, but I figured I'd let placebos

> Paired and low spoke count wheels may have aided in
> keeping that fad from reincarnation after its death more than 20 years
> ago.
> Jobst Brandt
In article <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]> wrote:

> David who? writes:
> >> As a whole what? We were talking about the relative merits of
> >> 3Al/2.5V ti vs. 6Al/4V before you botched the explanation and got
> >> called out on it by Frank and Jose.

> > Mark, would you care to comment on this article here

> >

> > As in the reference to the ride of the 3AL/2.5V which is stiffer and
> > more rigid in terms of side flex as are modern over sized frame
> > tubes.

> > Does this mean that your frames ride like the modern over sized
> > aluminium frame tubes? If so, that is one expensive harsh frame.

> > But then, I know of one person who is very happy with his Habanero
> > -- he said it's super comfy. I suspect that he had a good fitting
> > since this frame is not supposed to be plush and flexy right?

> You can talk around in circles about comfortable frames.


A good quality and well made frame paired with a good fit makes for a
comfortable frame. The problem is that, most common folks own good
quality and well made frame but with poor fitting.. And it shows with
the kind of discomfort people are suffering from and are trying to
mitigate them with all kinds of off-the-bat solutions.

It's astonishing to find people who would disregard a good fit in the
pursuit of a cheap bike. But then, these people regard their bikes as
recreational vehicles.

Not all bikes fit all people. Some bikes fit better on one person than
another. But we, in the pursuit of the status symbol, force ourselves
in owning the brand of the moment. Most of us buy bikes based on brand
names and as illustrated as such when someone here asks a question of
which bike is best for me as a 1st time cyclist. The usual answer is,
I have brand A and I love it, you should buy brand A. Or, I have brand
X and I swear by its comfort, you should buy brand X.

David wrote:
> In article <[email protected]>, Jose Rizal <_@_._>

>>Not really, since geometry also contributes. I think it can be shown
>>that a long wheelbase, especially when the rear triangle is long (ie
>>larger clearance between rear wheel and seat tube) contributes to a more
>>comfortable ride.

> Jose,
> I think you mean by longer chainstays correct? I beg to differ..
> Interestingly enough, he commented to me that his new ride with the
> Long Haul Trucker (LHT) was harsher than his older Miyata. Plus the
> new Koga Miyata (an aluminium frame) which came later was much plusher
> than the LHT. The LHT has a lower BB and a longer wheelbase than his
> older Miyata. So then, his LHT should ride better eh?

Obviously chainstay length isn't everything, and I don't know what the
other geometrical dimensions are on this other bike (seat tube angle,
etc). However, I note that you're arguing from a friend's point of
view, which, while not necessarily false, still has a lot of assumptions
on your part that we can't identify (eg dimensional similarities).

> Having said that, fitting is very important. Once you have proper
> fitting, the only things that change comfort on the bike are the tires
> you use, handlebar cork, saddle and wheelset.

For that particular bike, yes. Once you start comparing different
bikes, comfort factors increase to beyond those four you mention,
including among them, geometry.

> By the way, my long wheelbase 7005 tourer rides almost the same as the
> carbon race bike.

Almost the same in what way? Your posture will be different on either
one, so do you mean vibration-wise?

> Though I would have to say that the carbon bike
> mutes some of the road buzz, especially going through some of the nasty
> rumble strips compared to my AL bike.

You're talking here about a different topic. If you mentioned that you
have two tourers, with the only difference between the two being
chainstay length, then it would be of more significance to the discussion.
In article
<201220050748508083%[email protected]
David <[email protected]> wrote:

> In article <[email protected]>,
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> > David who? writes:
> >
> > >> As a whole what? We were talking about the relative merits of
> > >> 3Al/2.5V ti vs. 6Al/4V before you botched the explanation and got
> > >> called out on it by Frank and Jose.

> >
> > > Mark, would you care to comment on this article here

> >
> > >

> >
> > > As in the reference to the ride of the 3AL/2.5V which is stiffer and
> > > more rigid in terms of side flex as are modern over sized frame
> > > tubes.

> >
> > > Does this mean that your frames ride like the modern over sized
> > > aluminium frame tubes? If so, that is one expensive harsh frame.

> >
> > > But then, I know of one person who is very happy with his Habanero
> > > -- he said it's super comfy. I suspect that he had a good fitting
> > > since this frame is not supposed to be plush and flexy right?

> >
> > You can talk around in circles about comfortable frames.

> Jobst,
> A good quality and well made frame paired with a good fit makes for a
> comfortable frame. The problem is that, most common folks own good
> quality and well made frame but with poor fitting.. And it shows with
> the kind of discomfort people are suffering from and are trying to
> mitigate them with all kinds of off-the-bat solutions.
> It's astonishing to find people who would disregard a good fit in the
> pursuit of a cheap bike. But then, these people regard their bikes as
> recreational vehicles.
> Not all bikes fit all people. Some bikes fit better on one person than
> another. But we, in the pursuit of the status symbol, force ourselves
> in owning the brand of the moment. Most of us buy bikes based on brand
> names and as illustrated as such when someone here asks a question of
> which bike is best for me as a 1st time cyclist. The usual answer is,
> I have brand A and I love it, you should buy brand A. Or, I have brand
> X and I swear by its comfort, you should buy brand X.

It's worse than that. If someone rides on his bones, he
rides a bone-shaker; and will never be comfortable. If
someone rides on his muscles on a frame that matches his
dimensions, he is on a plush ride. It is a long road to
building the physique; and matching frame, saddle
position, and stem to the rider's dimensions. When a
proper fit is close, very small changes in equipment
position make large changes to the rider's comfort.

Michael Press
Dans le message de
news:[email protected],
Michael Press <[email protected]> a réfléchi, et puis a déclaré :
> In article
> <201220050748508083%[email protected]
> om>,
> David <[email protected]> wrote:
>> In article <[email protected]>,
>> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> David who? writes:
>>>>> As a whole what? We were talking about the relative merits of
>>>>> 3Al/2.5V ti vs. 6Al/4V before you botched the explanation and got
>>>>> called out on it by Frank and Jose.
>>>> Mark, would you care to comment on this article here
>>>> As in the reference to the ride of the 3AL/2.5V which is stiffer
>>>> and more rigid in terms of side flex as are modern over sized frame
>>>> tubes.
>>>> Does this mean that your frames ride like the modern over sized
>>>> aluminium frame tubes? If so, that is one expensive harsh frame.
>>>> But then, I know of one person who is very happy with his Habanero
>>>> -- he said it's super comfy. I suspect that he had a good fitting
>>>> since this frame is not supposed to be plush and flexy right?
>>> You can talk around in circles about comfortable frames.

>> Jobst,
>> A good quality and well made frame paired with a good fit makes for a
>> comfortable frame. The problem is that, most common folks own good
>> quality and well made frame but with poor fitting.. And it shows
>> with the kind of discomfort people are suffering from and are trying
>> to mitigate them with all kinds of off-the-bat solutions.
>> It's astonishing to find people who would disregard a good fit in the
>> pursuit of a cheap bike. But then, these people regard their bikes
>> as recreational vehicles.
>> Not all bikes fit all people. Some bikes fit better on one person
>> than another. But we, in the pursuit of the status symbol, force
>> ourselves in owning the brand of the moment. Most of us buy bikes
>> based on brand names and as illustrated as such when someone here
>> asks a question of which bike is best for me as a 1st time cyclist.
>> The usual answer is, I have brand A and I love it, you should buy
>> brand A. Or, I have brand X and I swear by its comfort, you should
>> buy brand X.

> It's worse than that. If someone rides on his bones, he
> rides a bone-shaker; and will never be comfortable. If
> someone rides on his muscles on a frame that matches his
> dimensions, he is on a plush ride. It is a long road to
> building the physique; and matching frame, saddle
> position, and stem to the rider's dimensions. When a
> proper fit is close, very small changes in equipment
> position make large changes to the rider's comfort.

I suspect you don't really ride much, or long. Riding on your muscles cuts
off blood flow, which causes first numbness, then pain. Try riding, not
writing about riding.

Les faits relatés ici ne sont que pure fiction, et ne sauraient être
utilisés ou rapprochés d'une situation réelle existant ou ayant
Dans le message de news:[email protected],
Sandy <[email protected]> a réfléchi, et puis a déclaré :
> Dans le message de
> news:[email protected],
> Michael Press <[email protected]> a réfléchi, et puis a déclaré :
>> In article
>> <201220050748508083%[email protected]
>> om>,
>> David <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> In article <[email protected]>,
>>> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> David who? writes:
>>>>>> As a whole what? We were talking about the relative merits of
>>>>>> 3Al/2.5V ti vs. 6Al/4V before you botched the explanation and got
>>>>>> called out on it by Frank and Jose.
>>>>> Mark, would you care to comment on this article here
>>>>> As in the reference to the ride of the 3AL/2.5V which is stiffer
>>>>> and more rigid in terms of side flex as are modern over sized
>>>>> frame tubes.
>>>>> Does this mean that your frames ride like the modern over sized
>>>>> aluminium frame tubes? If so, that is one expensive harsh frame.
>>>>> But then, I know of one person who is very happy with his Habanero
>>>>> -- he said it's super comfy. I suspect that he had a good fitting
>>>>> since this frame is not supposed to be plush and flexy right?
>>>> You can talk around in circles about comfortable frames.
>>> Jobst,
>>> A good quality and well made frame paired with a good fit makes for
>>> a comfortable frame. The problem is that, most common folks own
>>> good quality and well made frame but with poor fitting.. And it
>>> shows with the kind of discomfort people are suffering from and are
>>> trying to mitigate them with all kinds of off-the-bat solutions.
>>> It's astonishing to find people who would disregard a good fit in
>>> the pursuit of a cheap bike. But then, these people regard their
>>> bikes as recreational vehicles.
>>> Not all bikes fit all people. Some bikes fit better on one person
>>> than another. But we, in the pursuit of the status symbol, force
>>> ourselves in owning the brand of the moment. Most of us buy bikes
>>> based on brand names and as illustrated as such when someone here
>>> asks a question of which bike is best for me as a 1st time cyclist.
>>> The usual answer is, I have brand A and I love it, you should buy
>>> brand A. Or, I have brand X and I swear by its comfort, you should
>>> buy brand X.

>> It's worse than that. If someone rides on his bones, he
>> rides a bone-shaker; and will never be comfortable. If
>> someone rides on his muscles on a frame that matches his
>> dimensions, he is on a plush ride. It is a long road to
>> building the physique; and matching frame, saddle
>> position, and stem to the rider's dimensions. When a
>> proper fit is close, very small changes in equipment
>> position make large changes to the rider's comfort.

> I suspect you don't really ride much, or long. Riding on your
> muscles cuts off blood flow, which causes first numbness, then pain. Try
> riding, not writing about riding.
> --
> Sandy

Wrong tag -
Il n'est aucune sorte de sensation qui soit plus vive
que celle de la douleur ; ses impressions sont sûres,
elles ne trompent point comme celles du plaisir.
de Sade.

> Obviously chainstay length isn't everything, and I don't know what the
> other geometrical dimensions are on this other bike (seat tube angle,
> etc). However, I note that you're arguing from a friend's point of
> view, which, while not necessarily false, still has a lot of assumptions
> on your part that we can't identify (eg dimensional similarities).

Other geometrical dimensions are totally irrelevant as to how the bike
rides comfort wise. In fact, seat tube angle has no relevance in how
comfortable the rides either. Seat tube angles of 78-82 degrees are
commonly found on time trial or tri bikes (we call this forward seating
position or a steep geometry), whereas 73 or 74 degrees seat tube angle
are commonly found on road bikes (we call this rearward seating
position or a shallow geometry). A seat tube angle usually dictates
what the front end should be.. Therefore, you won't have a modern tri
rear and classic road front or a classic road rear and modern tri
front.. It doesn't work that way.

A regular road bike is made with a proven geometry that is made to do
well in everything. It is stable, It climbs well with spurts of power
torque to spare, corners well and gets you out of any sticky situation
if need be. Whereas, a steep 79-82 degree geometry bike allows you to
be in a super aero position so you can go fast on the flats. But it's
a very unstable bike, scary to ride in a pace line and must be ridden
with a 80rpm or higher cadence to be comfortable. In fact, tri bikes
are forbidden in group rides.

So unless you have a very contemplating reason to be riding a steep
geometry bike, stay with a regular road geometry.

> For that particular bike, yes. Once you start comparing different
> bikes, comfort factors increase to beyond those four you mention,
> including among them, geometry.

I think you are confusing geometry of the bike with the riding geometry
of the rider! Geometry of the bike FOLLOWS the riding geometry of the
rider which depends on the rider's pedaling intensity.

They are 3 riding geometries. They are, upright (aka touring,
performance commuting, sport riding or mountain biking), road (closer
to the bars) and aero on traditional tri aerobars (right on the bars).

While upright riding can be comfortable to begin with for a newbie, it
is a pain for expert riders or racers. Many seasoned riders ride in a
muscle-supported posture and usually spin at a very high cadence and
high intensity. They can afford to be much lower on the bars.

One of the good things about being able to spin very quickly is that,
you can literally feel that you're floating. In fact, you need to grab
your handlebars to resist the back pedalling motion generated by your
feet. Most people who started upright usually graduates to a more
classic road riding posture. And when they do, they usually buy
something better, be it a carbon bike (they're getting cheaper for
2006) or a hybrid carbon/steel/AL or Ti. The problem is, low end
starter bikes are usually made in (you guessed it -- aluminium). So I
am not surprised when people swore by their Zerts enhanced bikes,
carbon or ti or whatever being more comfortable than their ex-rigs,
when in fact it is their improved riding posture and right fit that
made them comfy rides.

> > By the way, my long wheelbase 7005 tourer rides almost the same as the
> > carbon race bike.

> Almost the same in what way? Your posture will be different on either
> one, so do you mean vibration-wise?

Riding posture shouldn't change.. Everybody with years of cycling
experience ride in a muscle supported posture. A proper bike fit is to
provide the avenue for that to be made possible!

To make that possible, you should have an ideal cockpit length that are
the sum of the effective top tube length of the frame plus the
effective stem length (rise taken account) plus the distance of the
All my bikes provide this ideal cockpit length that supports my posture
comfortably. Since my muscles do the shock absorption, I really can't
tell the difference if I'm blind folded which bike I ride. An
exception is made when I ride my dualie though.

> > Though I would have to say that the carbon bike
> > mutes some of the road buzz, especially going through some of the nasty
> > rumble strips compared to my AL bike.

> You're talking here about a different topic. If you mentioned that you
> have two tourers, with the only difference between the two being
> chainstay length, then it would be of more significance to the discussion.

The problem with the L.H.T is that, the smaller sizes come only in
smaller wheels (not the 700c version). He wanted to keep the 700c
wheels he's got, so he got the larger size and hoping that the shorter
stem, saddle forward and handlebar mods would help. It did somehow,
but he would never felt comfortable and he's not about to do
experiments on it in the middle of any of his tours. Suffice to say,
when he got his replacement frame, he put it together and rode it.
Felt like being home again..

In article <[email protected]>,
Michael Press <[email protected]> wrote:

> It's worse than that. If someone rides on his bones, he
> rides a bone-shaker; and will never be comfortable. If
> someone rides on his muscles on a frame that matches his
> dimensions, he is on a plush ride. It is a long road to
> building the physique; and matching frame, saddle
> position, and stem to the rider's dimensions. When a
> proper fit is close, very small changes in equipment
> position make large changes to the rider's comfort.

Hi Mike,

If you're talking about the differences between bone-supported and
muscle-supported posture, then yes.


> I suspect you don't really ride much, or long. Riding on your muscles cuts
> off blood flow, which causes first numbness, then pain. Try riding, not
> writing about riding.
> --
> Sandy


I think he meant riding with a muscle-supported posture, which is
actually an essential good riding form.. It does take time to perfect
this though as it's not as easy as riding in a bone-supported posture.

Riding in a muscle-supported posture provide a number of benefits..

1, You let your muscles do most of the shock absorption.
2, In a high cadence, you let your feet support most of your weight so
you don't numb your hands easily.
3, You are more relaxed so you don't get a lot of tense muscles. Tense
muscles eat up on your available energy that are needed to turn the
pedals. On a long century ride, the more relaxed and comfortable you
are on the bike, the fresher you come out of it.

And if you do this consistently, you will essentially feel that you're
floating on the bike. Once you feel that, any properly fitted frame
should feel and ride relatively the same..

In article <[email protected]>,
"Sandy" <[email protected]> wrote:


> > It's worse than that. If someone rides on his bones, he
> > rides a bone-shaker; and will never be comfortable. If
> > someone rides on his muscles on a frame that matches his
> > dimensions, he is on a plush ride. It is a long road to
> > building the physique; and matching frame, saddle
> > position, and stem to the rider's dimensions. When a
> > proper fit is close, very small changes in equipment
> > position make large changes to the rider's comfort.

> I suspect you don't really ride much, or long. Riding on your muscles cuts
> off blood flow, which causes first numbness, then pain. Try riding, not
> writing about riding.

I suspect that you do not know what I am talking about.

Michael Press
David wrote:
> Jose,
>>Obviously chainstay length isn't everything, and I don't know what the
>>other geometrical dimensions are on this other bike (seat tube angle,
>>etc). However, I note that you're arguing from a friend's point of
>>view, which, while not necessarily false, still has a lot of assumptions
>>on your part that we can't identify (eg dimensional similarities).

> Other geometrical dimensions are totally irrelevant as to how the bike
> rides comfort wise. In fact, seat tube angle has no relevance in how
> comfortable the rides either.

Seat tube angle determines how effectively long a cantilever the
seatpost acts as; with steel seatposts, it's possible to see these flex
with weight. The steeper the seat tube angle (ie the closer to
vertical), the less flex possible for the seatposts. How much this is a
factor with Al posts, I'm unsure.

> Seat tube angles of 78-82 degrees are
> commonly found on time trial or tri bikes (we call this forward seating
> position or a steep geometry), whereas 73 or 74 degrees seat tube angle
> are commonly found on road bikes (we call this rearward seating
> position or a shallow geometry). A seat tube angle usually dictates
> what the front end should be.. Therefore, you won't have a modern tri
> rear and classic road front or a classic road rear and modern tri
> front.. It doesn't work that way.

I don't see what this has to do with comfort. If you fix the seat tube
angle, the rest of the geometry will have to conform to place the rider
in the best position and fit possible. The terms "tri" or "classic
road" fronts don't make sense, since there aren't set values for these.

> A regular road bike is made with a proven geometry that is made to do
> well in everything.

Proven geometry for whom? The variations in frame dimensions available
among different brands of bicycles puts this claim to the test, as well
as the popularity of custom frames.

> It is stable, It climbs well with spurts of power
> torque to spare, corners well and gets you out of any sticky situation
> if need be.

Don't really know what you refer to as "it".

> Whereas, a steep 79-82 degree geometry bike allows you to
> be in a super aero position so you can go fast on the flats. But it's
> a very unstable bike, scary to ride in a pace line and must be ridden
> with a 80rpm or higher cadence to be comfortable. In fact, tri bikes
> are forbidden in group rides.
> So unless you have a very contemplating reason to be riding a steep
> geometry bike, stay with a regular road geometry.

I'm sure this is good advice, but beside the point of comfort.

>>For that particular bike, yes. Once you start comparing different
>>bikes, comfort factors increase to beyond those four you mention,
>>including among them, geometry.

> I think you are confusing geometry of the bike with the riding geometry
> of the rider!

Huh? The rider's geometry can't be changed! Your arms, torso and legs
are going to be that way unless you're still growing.

> Geometry of the bike FOLLOWS the riding geometry of the
> rider which depends on the rider's pedaling intensity.
> They are 3 riding geometries. They are, upright (aka touring,
> performance commuting, sport riding or mountain biking), road (closer
> to the bars) and aero on traditional tri aerobars (right on the bars).

I'd like to see your delineations between these positions, and just what
constitutes which (my point being that there are huge overlaps).

> Riding posture shouldn't change.. Everybody with years of cycling
> experience ride in a muscle supported posture. A proper bike fit is to
> provide the avenue for that to be made possible!

Except that drop bars actually make you change your position, depending
on which part of the bar you're holding on to. Many people claim that
it's this ability to choose hand holds and posture which makes drop bars
attractive for them.

> All my bikes provide this ideal cockpit length that supports my posture
> comfortably. Since my muscles do the shock absorption, I really can't
> tell the difference if I'm blind folded which bike I ride. An
> exception is made when I ride my dualie though.

I'd like to see those tests where you blindfolded yourself and rode your
David wrote:
> Jose,
>>Obviously chainstay length isn't everything, and I don't know what the
>>other geometrical dimensions are on this other bike (seat tube angle,
>>etc). However, I note that you're arguing from a friend's point of
>>view, which, while not necessarily false, still has a lot of assumptions
>>on your part that we can't identify (eg dimensional similarities).

> Other geometrical dimensions are totally irrelevant as to how the bike
> rides comfort wise. In fact, seat tube angle has no relevance in how
> comfortable the rides either.

Seat tube angle determines how effectively long a cantilever the
seatpost acts as; with steel seatposts, it's possible to see these flex
with weight. The steeper the seat tube angle (ie the closer to
vertical), the less flex possible for the seatposts. How much this is a
factor with Al posts, I'm unsure.

> Seat tube angles of 78-82 degrees are
> commonly found on time trial or tri bikes (we call this forward seating
> position or a steep geometry), whereas 73 or 74 degrees seat tube angle
> are commonly found on road bikes (we call this rearward seating
> position or a shallow geometry). A seat tube angle usually dictates
> what the front end should be.. Therefore, you won't have a modern tri
> rear and classic road front or a classic road rear and modern tri
> front.. It doesn't work that way.

I don't see what this has to do with comfort. If you fix the seat tube
angle, the rest of the geometry will have to conform to place the rider
in the best position and fit possible. The terms "tri" or "classic
road" fronts don't make sense, since there aren't set values for these.

> A regular road bike is made with a proven geometry that is made to do
> well in everything.

Proven geometry for whom? The variations in frame dimensions available
among different brands of bicycles puts this claim to the test, as well
as the popularity of custom frames.

> It is stable, It climbs well with spurts of power
> torque to spare, corners well and gets you out of any sticky situation
> if need be.

Don't really know what you refer to as "it".

> Whereas, a steep 79-82 degree geometry bike allows you to
> be in a super aero position so you can go fast on the flats. But it's
> a very unstable bike, scary to ride in a pace line and must be ridden
> with a 80rpm or higher cadence to be comfortable. In fact, tri bikes
> are forbidden in group rides.
> So unless you have a very contemplating reason to be riding a steep
> geometry bike, stay with a regular road geometry.

I'm sure this is good advice, but beside the point of comfort.

>>For that particular bike, yes. Once you start comparing different
>>bikes, comfort factors increase to beyond those four you mention,
>>including among them, geometry.

> I think you are confusing geometry of the bike with the riding geometry
> of the rider!

Huh? The rider's geometry can't be changed! Your arms, torso and legs
are going to be that way unless you're still growing.

> Geometry of the bike FOLLOWS the riding geometry of the
> rider which depends on the rider's pedaling intensity.
> They are 3 riding geometries. They are, upright (aka touring,
> performance commuting, sport riding or mountain biking), road (closer
> to the bars) and aero on traditional tri aerobars (right on the bars).

I'd like to see your delineations between these positions, and just what
constitutes which (my point being that there are huge overlaps).

> Riding posture shouldn't change.. Everybody with years of cycling
> experience ride in a muscle supported posture. A proper bike fit is to
> provide the avenue for that to be made possible!

Except that drop bars actually make you change your position, depending
on which part of the bar you're holding on to. Many people claim that
it's this ability to choose hand holds and posture which makes drop bars
attractive for them.

> All my bikes provide this ideal cockpit length that supports my posture
> comfortably. Since my muscles do the shock absorption, I really can't
> tell the difference if I'm blind folded which bike I ride. An
> exception is made when I ride my dualie though.

I'd like to see those tests where you blindfolded yourself and rode your
[email protected] wrote:
> Jose Rizal writes:
>>Not really, since geometry also contributes. I think it can be
>>shown that a long wheelbase, especially when the rear triangle is
>>long (ie larger clearance between rear wheel and seat tube)
>>contributes to a more comfortable ride.

> I think you won't find any significant geometry differences between
> leading bicycle manufacturers. They all run about the same rake and
> offset and that's it. Even a couple of degrees of rake difference
> will have no effect on comfort, it being in the area of cosine effects
> that are vanishingly small for +-2 degrees around 15 degrees rake.

I'm referring to the chainstay length, not the fork. Two custom bikes
that I have feature the same dimensions except the chainstays: one's
chainstays are 2cm longer than the other's. The former exhibits a
different feel on the bum along bumpy roads (dare I say more comfortable?).
[email protected] wrote:
> Jose Rizal writes:
>>Not really, since geometry also contributes. I think it can be
>>shown that a long wheelbase, especially when the rear triangle is
>>long (ie larger clearance between rear wheel and seat tube)
>>contributes to a more comfortable ride.

> I think you won't find any significant geometry differences between
> leading bicycle manufacturers. They all run about the same rake and
> offset and that's it. Even a couple of degrees of rake difference
> will have no effect on comfort, it being in the area of cosine effects
> that are vanishingly small for +-2 degrees around 15 degrees rake.

I'm referring to the chainstay length, not the fork. Two custom bikes
that I have feature the same dimensions except the chainstays: one's
chainstays are 2cm longer than the other's. The former exhibits a
different feel on the bum along bumpy roads (dare I say more comfortable?).
Jose Rizal writes:

>>> Not really, since geometry also contributes. I think it can be
>>> shown that a long wheelbase, especially when the rear triangle is
>>> long (ie larger clearance between rear wheel and seat tube)
>>> contributes to a more comfortable ride.

>> I think you won't find any significant geometry differences between
>> leading bicycle manufacturers. They all run about the same rake
>> and offset and that's it. Even a couple of degrees of rake
>> difference will have no effect on comfort, it being in the area of
>> cosine effects that are vanishingly small for +-2 degrees around 15
>> degrees rake.

> I'm referring to the chainstay length, not the fork. Two custom
> bikes that I have feature the same dimensions except the chainstays:
> one's chainstays are 2cm longer than the other's. The former
> exhibits a different feel on the bum along bumpy roads (dare I say
> more comfortable?).

That's even more ineffective in changing rice comfort although as is
obvious, the driver on a tandem has a more comfortable saddle response
than on a single. Wheelbase changes on a typical road bicycle is a
cosine effect in which moving the rear wheel even two inches farther
back does not change the angle significantly from vertically beneath
the rider's saddle.

Chainstay length affects mainly seated climbing, where on steep grades
the bicycle tends to raise the front wheel on pedal thrusts. I don't
call that comfort. Not long ago moving the rear wheel into the seat
tube was the rave, and the doting wannabes considered that an
advantage. The terms were "close coupled" and "responsive", both
derived from bicycle myth and lore. Now we are at comfortable frames.

Jobst Brandt
>failed due to either : 1) the inadequacy of primae
> facie evidence to support the complaint, or ; 2) the successful presentation
> of evidence that opposed the complaint.

Despite your statements denying the existence of puffing, you are
supporting it (albeit in a somewhat circuitous fashion) in your
argument. If, for example, an FTC complaint is based upon statements
that are worded such that they do not qualify as misrepresentations of
material facts (Zertz damp vibration, resulting in a more comfortable
bike) it cannot be (or should not be) sustained. No ****, Sherlock.

Now, you could say that this decision was rendered because of the
inadequacy of primae facie evidence supporting the claim. Or you could
say that the claim failed because the statements that it was based upon
were mere puffery. Is "puffing" statutory law? No. But the exception
afforded puffing statements in American jurisprudence is well
established as a common law doctrine.

A Westlaw search of federal cases for the terms "puffing" or "puffery"
returns 2061 hits. That's a lot of judges drafting opinions referring
to something that doesn't exist (Santa Claus only got 350 hits).

Hi Jose,

> Seat tube angle determines how effectively long a cantilever the
> seatpost acts as; with steel seatposts, it's possible to see these flex
> with weight. The steeper the seat tube angle (ie the closer to
> vertical), the less flex possible for the seatposts. How much this is a
> factor with Al posts, I'm unsure.

Ahhhh... The flexible seatpost widget made famous by the Moots Ti
Laidback post, a rather expensive piece of placebo effective toy.

Sure, a thing like this would bend a little since the thing has quite a
bit of setback, but you need to set it back a lot and have it stuck all
the way out to have any noticeable effect.

And seat tube angle "DOES NOT" determine how effective long this action
does.. A seat tube angle determines how "LOW or HIGH" you as a rider
can ride your bike.. Problem with a normal 73-74 degrees road bike is
that, to get super low and as super flat as your back can get, you need
to move your saddle very forward. This does 2 bad things.

1, You're moving more of your weight to the front (road bike design was
supposed to distribute equal weight between front and back), so
steering stability will be compromised.

2, Increase hip angle and steep back curvature which will cause a
number of very nasty side effects, and not to mention pain.. Now, very
few people can ride in this very very low and steep geometry. I

To correct these problems, the seat tube angle need to be steepened to
correct problem number 2, plus the chainstays need to be shortened to
bring the rear wheel closer to the butt of the rider to correct problem
number 1. So if you choose a steep tube angled bike, you will have
very short chainstays.

> I don't see what this has to do with comfort. If you fix the seat tube
> angle, the rest of the geometry will have to conform to place the rider
> in the best position and fit possible. The terms "tri" or "classic
> road" fronts don't make sense, since there aren't set values for these.

In a muscle-supported posture, we are mostly concerned about the proper
hip and shoulder angles.
Shoulder angles should be around 90 degrees more or less, very relaxed
as it should be and the hip angle should also be around 90 degrees or
less. This is a very good aero well balanced riding position.
Changing the seat tube angle essentially "corrects" the offset created
by the displacement of the saddle. Rule of thumb is this.. Want to go
lower on the bars, you move forward. Want to higher on the bars, you
move backwards. If you don't do this, hip angle will either be way too
steep (you'll break your back doing that) or way too shallow (riding
like a newbie).

> > A regular road bike is made with a proven geometry that is made to do
> > well in everything.

> Proven geometry for whom? The variations in frame dimensions available
> among different brands of bicycles puts this claim to the test, as well
> as the popularity of custom frames.

More than hundreds of years of fine tuning, the diamond shaped road
bike is a proven geometry. Any changes made by any manufacturer from
the basic design are made specific for the application it was meant to

A word about custom frames..

Custom frames are nice, but they are popular not because they solve the
fitting problem (few do), they are so because you can customize them to
whatever you want the bike to be. Great if you have lots of moolah!
Not so great if you don't..

Seriously, we have SO MANY frame selections that I doubt any bike
fitter would have any problems fitting anyone.. The problem is with
brand recognition. Now, if all the frames are painted white or black,
we wouldn't need custom frames. In reality however, people want to own
good brands. It's reality and I think that's fair.
People try to own a piece of brand name, be it Seven, Colnago,
Marinoni, Trek Project One, and on and on and on. Nothing wrong with
that, except it projects a sort of illusion to others that if none of
these bikes fit you, go custom.

> Huh? The rider's geometry can't be changed! Your arms, torso and legs
> are going to be that way unless you're still growing.

Read my explanation about hip angle and seat tube angle again which
deals with riding geometry.

> Except that drop bars actually make you change your position, depending
> on which part of the bar you're holding on to. Many people claim that
> it's this ability to choose hand holds and posture which makes drop bars
> attractive for them.

Change your hip angle and butt to saddle position -- yes. Position --
no, because any 3 positions you place your hands on the drop bar
shouldn't make any drastic changes to the upper body shoulder angle,
assuming the bike is professionally fitted and the width of the
handlebar matches the shoulder's width of the rider. Hands on the
hoods should be your neutral position. So, when you go to the drops,
your hip angle steepens but still manageable and you need to bend your
neck up more, but nothing should drastically change on your upper body.
As you move your hands towards the flat portion of the drop bars,
you'll scoot your butt back a bit since the flat portion are further
back than the hoods, closer to the rider. This position, however, is
great for climbing. In fact, the further backward you sit on the
saddle, the more power you can leverage on the pedals.

David wrote:
> Hi Jose,
>>Seat tube angle determines how effectively long a cantilever the
>>seatpost acts as; with steel seatposts, it's possible to see these flex
>>with weight. The steeper the seat tube angle (ie the closer to
>>vertical), the less flex possible for the seatposts. How much this is a
>>factor with Al posts, I'm unsure.

> Ahhhh... The flexible seatpost widget made famous by the Moots Ti
> Laidback post, a rather expensive piece of placebo effective toy.
> Sure, a thing like this would bend a little since the thing has quite a
> bit of setback, but you need to set it back a lot and have it stuck all
> the way out to have any noticeable effect.

It's nothing to do with Moots or any particular brand: it's just
physics. The shallower the seat tube angle, the longer the effective
cantilever is for the seatpost regardless of make.

> And seat tube angle "DOES NOT" determine how effective long this action
> does.. A seat tube angle determines how "LOW or HIGH" you as a rider
> can ride your bike..

No, the latter is not related to the former, therefore the two are not
mutually exclusive. And regardless of seat tube angle, seatpost length
is what determines how high or low the seat can be.

> Problem with a normal 73-74 degrees road bike is


>>I don't see what this has to do with comfort. If you fix the seat tube
>>angle, the rest of the geometry will have to conform to place the rider
>>in the best position and fit possible. The terms "tri" or "classic
>>road" fronts don't make sense, since there aren't set values for these.

> In a muscle-supported posture, we are mostly concerned about the proper
> hip and shoulder angles.


Again, I can't see this as anything other than geometrical issues which
relate to rider positioning.

>>>A regular road bike is made with a proven geometry that is made to do
>>>well in everything.

>>Proven geometry for whom? The variations in frame dimensions available
>>among different brands of bicycles puts this claim to the test, as well
>>as the popularity of custom frames.

> More than hundreds of years of fine tuning, the diamond shaped road
> bike is a proven geometry. Any changes made by any manufacturer from
> the basic design are made specific for the application it was meant to
> serve.

So you mean the diamond "shape" rather than geometrical dimensions,
which vary by quite a bit depending on manufacturer.

> A word about custom frames..
> Custom frames are nice, but they are popular not because they solve the
> fitting problem (few do), they are so because you can customize them to
> whatever you want the bike to be. Great if you have lots of moolah!
> Not so great if you don't..

Uh, I think you confuse those who have genuine demands for non-standard
frame dimensions with those who only look for the brand sticker. In any
case, customising frames can ALWAYS solve fit issues; the fact that some
people don't need custom frames for proper fit doesn't alter the fact.

>>Except that drop bars actually make you change your position, depending
>>on which part of the bar you're holding on to. Many people claim that
>>it's this ability to choose hand holds and posture which makes drop bars
>>attractive for them.

> Change your hip angle and butt to saddle position -- yes. Position --
> no, because any 3 positions you place your hands on the drop bar
> shouldn't make any drastic changes to the upper body shoulder angle,
> assuming the bike is professionally fitted and the width of the
> handlebar matches the shoulder's width of the rider. Hands on the
> hoods should be your neutral position.

Let's call that Position 1.

> So, when you go to the drops,
> your hip angle steepens but still manageable and you need to bend your
> neck up more,

Actually a significant change...

> but nothing should drastically change on your upper body.

That's still significantly different to Position 1, and that can be
called Position 2.

> As you move your hands towards the flat portion of the drop bars,
> you'll scoot your butt back a bit since the flat portion are further
> back than the hoods, closer to the rider. This position, however, is
> great for climbing. In fact, the further backward you sit on the
> saddle, the more power you can leverage on the pedals.

Which yet again is significantly different to Positions 1 and 2, and
regardless of purpose, the drop bar forces the rider to change
positions, depending on which part of the bar is held on to. With a
drop handlebar, changing positions dictate changes in comfort levels, or
vice versa.
"Mark Hickey" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Dan" <[email protected]> wrote:
> >I spent some of my morning in the garage and came up with this:
> >
> >
> >I think this data is as irrelevant as the Specialized data but it does

> >how easy it is to acquire some measurements.
> >
> >I won't draw any conclusions from my data.

> Great stuff. I've often wanted to do the same test. I THOUGHT that
> ti frame looked familiar! ;-)
> It would be interesting to see the results with:
> A) the rear wheel sitting on a vibrating surface, preferably with a
> variable frequency... and...
> B) something soft and heavy sitting on top of the saddle-mounted
> transducer.
> With this arrangement, other variables like tire pressure could be
> tested with reasonable precision.
> Of course, to isolate the effect of frame material, or seat tube
> design, or tire, wheel, etc., the tests would have to be a bit more
> controlled (same geometry, components, etc.).
> And FWIW, I'll bet that if you remove the water bottle cages from the
> Habby the high frequency response will drop a bit (they make pretty
> good tuning forks, while the carbon cages on the Orbea should be
> totally "accoustically inert").
> Thanks for some REAL data...
> Mark Hickey
> Habanero Cycles
> Home of the $795 transducer mount

As I'm reading this late I was hoping that someone would mention this!!
This is the begining of some good data collecting. Isolating the frame by
using the same parts would help a lot. Can the accelerometer be mounted on
the bottom of the saddle to prevent human interference? The rollers sound
like the best way to get this data. The other contact point of interest is
at the bars.

"Eric" wrote:

> As I'm reading this late I was hoping that someone would mention this!!
> This is the begining of some good data collecting. Isolating the frame by
> using the same parts would help a lot. Can the accelerometer be mounted
> on
> the bottom of the saddle to prevent human interference? The rollers sound
> like the best way to get this data. The other contact point of interest
> is
> at the bars.
> -Eric


The only reason that I put the data up was to try and demonstrate that the
data presented by Specialized is easy to generate. Since they have not put
up comparative data I conclude the they are either technically incompetent
and have not done such tests or the data they have shows nothing.

I suspect that they have data and it is inconclusive. The "high tech"
presentation on Specialized's part smacks of marketing mumbo-jumbo. No
surprise eh?

All manner of test could be performed but the only tests of interest would
be of a single variable such as with and without Zerkz. The two tests that I
presented have too many variables to be of any use in drawing conclusions. A
few of the variables in my tests that might influence vibration
characteristics are:

Frame material
Frame size
spoke gauge
rim stiffness, mass, etc
chain tension
handlebar stiffness, mass, etc
tire pressure
test impulse
accessory pump, cages, etc
and a zillion others

A look at the patents involved might be of interest to you. Note the lack of
any detail as to the properties of the Zerkz material. Check here:
for patents 6,848,701 and 6,669,218
Note that the properties of the damping material are not described.

All bikes vibrate, get used to it.