Sandy wrote:
> Dans le message de
> news:[email protected],
> [email protected] <[email protected]> a réfléchi, et puis a déclaré :
> >> If only you could express things in English, it might have been
> >> illuminating.
> >
> > Sandy, I'm an engineer trying to explain sophisticated technical
> > things
> > to a lawyer. You'd probably have the same problem trying to explain
> > sophisticated legal things to me.
> If you have difficulty understanding language, then I just may find it
> difficult.
Likewise if you have difficulty using language, I'm sure.
> >> Why you remain stuck on 400Hz is beyond me.
> >
> > I'm emphasizing 400 Hz because a) it was in the frequency range where
> > Specialized's plots claimed to show benefit, and b) it's familiar to
> > most folks as being roughly in the middle of the usual musical scale.
> And ?
"And" it's unrealistic to expect someone to feel a 400 Hz frame
vibration with their butt on a saddle. Good grief - take notes, man!
BTW, do you understand what 400 Hz sounds like, and feels like? Do
you own a tuning fork? They're cheap, you know.
> > You may also want to look at the placebo effect. Recall that (as
> > described many times) in the one blind test of ride quality that we
> > know of, the "experts" who'd been authoritatively rating the ride of
> > different tubesets couldn't tell the difference in a blind test. Once
> > people are properly convinced, they may "feel" what they are told.
> I refer to buyer optimism directly below your words. Seems you don't manage
> to read as well as I hoped.
Yes, you _mention_ it, but do you understand it? Do you believe it can
be important? Judging by your truculence, you seem unwilling to accept
that such a thing really exists.
> So yes, it will take a great deal of patience
> explaining some law to you, but I'm patient. We could start with the lawof
> diminishing returns ...
If a topic on this list ever turns to fine details of law, I promise to
read your writings carefully.
FWIW, I have good friends who are lawyers and other legal experts, and
I do learn from them on legal matters. However, although they are
contentious (as lawyers tend to be), none of them duplicates your
stubbornness and hubris. They don't imagine that legal expertise
somehow makes them competent with engineering and technology.
> > Take _comparative_ measurements
> > at
> > those spots, under realistic conditions.
> >
> > Do you understand that Specialized has not done that?
> >
> No - I understand they did not *publish* anything of the sort. Do you know
> for a fact what they did, as opposed to what you have seen ?
I will grant you that legal point: We do not know that Specialized has
not done tests directly comparing frames that differ only in the
presence or absence of "zertz."
But we do know that they have not made the results, if any, widely
available. And any reasonable person would expect that IF the results
of such tests proved a significant benefit to Zertz, they would profit
from making the results widely available.
This suggests two possibilities: Either they never did the comparative
test, or they did the comparative test and decided the results should
not be made available.
- Frank Krygowski