Is it possible that Zwifts data is actually hindering our ability to truly optimize interval training, given that its based on a virtual environment that cant fully replicate the complexities of real-world riding, and that our reliance on it might be creating a generation of cyclists who are more adept at gaming the system than actually improving their physical fitness?
Isnt it true that Zwifts algorithm for determining FTP and other metrics is based on a simplified model that doesnt account for individual variations in physiology and biomechanics, which could lead to inaccurate assessments of our abilities and flawed training plans?
Are we so enamored with the convenience and accessibility of Zwift that were neglecting the importance of old-school, low-tech training methods like hill repeats and time trials, which might actually be more effective at building real-world fitness?
Is it time to take a step back and reevaluate our relationship with Zwift and other virtual training platforms, and consider whether theyre truly helping us achieve our goals, or just providing a convenient distraction from the hard work and dedication required to become a truly great cyclist?
Isnt it true that Zwifts algorithm for determining FTP and other metrics is based on a simplified model that doesnt account for individual variations in physiology and biomechanics, which could lead to inaccurate assessments of our abilities and flawed training plans?
Are we so enamored with the convenience and accessibility of Zwift that were neglecting the importance of old-school, low-tech training methods like hill repeats and time trials, which might actually be more effective at building real-world fitness?
Is it time to take a step back and reevaluate our relationship with Zwift and other virtual training platforms, and consider whether theyre truly helping us achieve our goals, or just providing a convenient distraction from the hard work and dedication required to become a truly great cyclist?