US: Police bicycle training video


New Member
Apr 11, 2003
What was excellent.... I was over there for 2 weeks earlier in the year and the amount of bike traffic is huge..... but there are bike lanes all over the place.... would be a great place to live and ride.

unfortunately also as everywhere heaps of bike riders not obeying the laws
can someone say cheese?

cfsmtb said:
Bike training video from the SFPD and the SF Bicycle Coalition. The script maybe a tad stilted and directed for US conditions, but I reckon this is an absolute cracker. ;)

Bikes Belong In Traffic - SFPD Training Video

Police bicycle training video:

Found via:

Please send to your local coppers and share around!
cfsmtb said:
Bike training video from the SFPD and the SF Bicycle Coalition. The script maybe a tad stilted and directed for US conditions, but I reckon this is an absolute cracker. ;)

Yeah, thumbs-up to the intention but I squirmed through the first few minutes then moved on--just couldn't take that deadpan delivery!
treadly&me said:
Yeah, thumbs-up to the intention but I squirmed through the first few minutes then moved on--just couldn't take that deadpan delivery!

Or that funky hipster jive soundtrack.
