Hey, I'm supposed to interview a fellow unicyclist for an advanced
composition paper - if you could all answer these questions or even just
some of them it would be quite helpful. Thank you Much.
1) How long have you been unicycling
2) What style of unicycling do you most enjoy, what are some examples
of skills you know.
3) What was the reason you began unicycling
4) How has unicycling effected your life.
5) Have you met any new good friends through unicycling
6) Do you feel there is anything different or special about
7) Would you rather unicycle by yourself or with others - why is this
more beneficial.
8) how much money have you invested in unicycling - is it worth it?
9) Will you someday or have you already taught your kids to unicycle.
10) What benefits do you feel have come from unicycling
Feel free to give any other information about yourself or interesting
facts about unicycling, yourself, or anything.
Thanks a lot to those who reply - you dont have to answer every
question, just put the number the question is by your answer (or
Cole Chapman
fluffinator007 - Expert UPD'ist
My image was voted out.
fluffinator007's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/4757
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/31569
composition paper - if you could all answer these questions or even just
some of them it would be quite helpful. Thank you Much.
1) How long have you been unicycling
2) What style of unicycling do you most enjoy, what are some examples
of skills you know.
3) What was the reason you began unicycling
4) How has unicycling effected your life.
5) Have you met any new good friends through unicycling
6) Do you feel there is anything different or special about
7) Would you rather unicycle by yourself or with others - why is this
more beneficial.
8) how much money have you invested in unicycling - is it worth it?
9) Will you someday or have you already taught your kids to unicycle.
10) What benefits do you feel have come from unicycling
Feel free to give any other information about yourself or interesting
facts about unicycling, yourself, or anything.
Thanks a lot to those who reply - you dont have to answer every
question, just put the number the question is by your answer (or
Cole Chapman
fluffinator007 - Expert UPD'ist
My image was voted out.
fluffinator007's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/4757
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/31569