


im just begining this awsome sport of unicycling, i can ride a ways, and
turn a little, but my unicycle(a oxford with a bent rim) is making
things difficult, so im going to purchase a new one, so do you think
that a Schwinn would be good? also a 20 or a 24?


IowaKid's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/6309
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/32128
try the 'search' function at the top of this page
try searching for things like 'first unicycle', 'buy' 'uni' and so on
that should get u to a bunch of threads where this kind of thing is

u may want to take your rim to a cycle shop and see if they can
straighten it out for u
that way u might be able to ride for a while longer while u figure out
what kind of riding u want to do
freestyle, muni, trails, street and long distance may not neccesarily
'demand' specialised machines
but it will give u an idea of what kind of uni u'll be looking for

GILD - Waffle-****** (ocfopgm)

only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible. i think
in my basement...let me go upstairs and check.
~ m. c. escher

'[image: http://www.addis-welt.de/smilie/smilie/sp/84255.gif]'
GILD's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/657
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/32128