Unequal engagement.....



I have noticed unequal engagement of the cranks on Suzu hub.
I was adviced to bang it with the hammer through the piece of wood.It
did not work.The cranks are definitely the some make.The difference is
some 3-4 mm.The nut stiks out a bit.
Any kind advice please.:)


Veni !Vidi !Mount ! ' Public does not perceive it reacts'. Greg
Uniwitold's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/2181
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/31575
It is probably the cranks, not the hub. The Suzue hub is a really good
hub despite its low price, and is available from a wide variety of
suppliers. Cranks, however, unless they are expensive, tend to be
erratic. Simply change out your cranks. It's not worth losing the
wheel to save a set of cheap cranks.

However, banging the cranks on with a hammer is not a good way to do it.
It is dangerous to the hub, inconsistent, and cannot be calibrated.
Grease the tapers and draw the cranks on with a torque wrench set to 40
ft-lbs. Your LBS can do this for you if necessary.

U-Turn - Member of Generation XO

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