Typical Lamers...


New Member
Jun 21, 2003

I am sure that we have all heard those kiddy lamers who just love to shout to cyclists ... "oi... your back wheels going around" or "your back tyre is going flat" and **** like this.

As any one come up with a cracking come back line for this?

Just to pint out that I did one the other day in one such instance.

Guy walking with his g/f trying to impress her by saying the above. So I replied saying "yeah and your girl freinds t**s are small. That was an understatment lol she was also butt ugly.

Any one liners would be appreaciated... ps for any one else who trys this make you you have a fast bike ... you may need it. :D


I suppose your idea is that one pejorative deserves another? Really, you should think of something wittier to say than to make the fool's poor girlfriend feel bad. Being ugly already, I'm sure she has plenty to worry about in this sex-conscious culture. She didn't do anything to you. Maybe point out the guy's fuzzy ear-hair or something? Or something about his mother?
Originally posted by cinayakoshka
I suppose your idea is that one pejorative deserves another? Really, you should think of something wittier to say than to make the fool's poor girlfriend feel bad. Being ugly already, I'm sure she has plenty to worry about in this sex-conscious culture. She didn't do anything to you. Maybe point out the guy's fuzzy ear-hair or something? Or something about his mother?

I disagree, what Nicecold suggest is perfect. Obviously the guy is prepared to take anything we throw at him, but have you ever heard of the saying (and pardon my spelling) :

Hell has no fury, like a woman scorned!

He will have to please explain to her and maybe get a smack or two.

People that make those kinds of comments tend to come from a pretty shallow and/or angry place. Mostly expecting us to respond in the same way... it's comfortable and safe for them. I like to play with their heads, I smile, wave and say thankyou! It's satisfying to see the confused, surprised and sometimes angry reactions.

On top of it all I dont waste time dwelling on the actions of some bozo, it only interferes with me enjoying the ride.....

This happens as far away as Australia also???? :D



Originally posted by njeitner
People that make those kinds of comments tend to come from a pretty shallow and/or angry place. Mostly expecting us to respond in the same way... it's comfortable and safe for them. I like to play with their heads, I smile, wave and say thankyou! It's satisfying to see the confused, surprised and sometimes angry reactions.

On top of it all I dont waste time dwelling on the actions of some bozo, it only interferes with me enjoying the ride.....
There's no monopoly on stupid behaviour. Or as I like to think of it; the "If you can't join them, abuse them" crowd :)