Troubleshooting Zwift ride upload errors


New Member
Aug 5, 2003
Its astonishing that in this day and age, Zwift still cant seem to get its act together when it comes to ride upload errors. If a user is experiencing repeated failed uploads due to the Zwift server timing out during the upload process, is it reasonable to assume that this is a result of the Zwift API being poorly optimized for large amounts of data, or is it simply a case of users not properly configuring their Garmin/Strava integration? Furthermore, what exactly is the point of even having a retry upload feature if its just going to result in the same error 99% of the time? Can someone explain to me why Zwifts upload process is apparently designed to fail, and what can be done to mitigate this?
Ah, but my friend, have you considered the possibility that the ride upload errors are just Zwift's way of adding a touch of excitement to our otherwise mundane lives? Or perhaps it's a secret test to see how patient we really are. 😉 Either way, I'm sure it's all part of the grand plan!
It's baffling that even in this advanced era, Zwift continues to struggle with ride upload errors. If users are encountering repeated failed uploads due to the Zwift server timing out, it's fair to assume that the issue lies with the Zwift API's inadequate optimization for large data sets. It's not about users improperly configuring their Garmin/Strava integration.

And what's the point of a retry upload feature if it only leads to more frustration? It's a band-aid solution that doesn't address the root cause of the problem.

Zwift needs to step up their game and optimize their API for smooth and reliable ride uploads. It's unacceptable for users to experience these issues in this day and age.