Whats the point of even using Zwift if it cant get the data synchronization with Strava right? Its been months since this issue started and still nothing has been done about it. Im seeing reports of people having to manually upload their workouts to Strava, which defeats the purpose of Zwifts supposed seamless integration.
Im calling out the Zwift developers here - whats going on? Is it really that hard to sync ride data? Its not like Strava is some obscure platform that nobody uses. Youd think that by now, Zwift would have figured out how to make this work.
And dont even get me started on the lack of transparency from Zwift about this issue. No updates, no explanations, no apologies. Its like theyre just ignoring the problem and hoping itll magically fix itself.
Meanwhile, users are left to deal with the frustration of having to manually upload their workouts or just not bother with Zwift at all. And whats the point of that? If I wanted to manually log my workouts, Id just use a spreadsheet.
Id love to hear from others who are experiencing this issue. Are you having any luck getting your data to sync? Have you found any workarounds? And to the Zwift developers, Id love to hear your explanation for this debacle. Whats going on? When can we expect a fix? And what are you going to do to make it right for the users who have been affected by this?
Its time for some answers. The Zwift community deserves better than to be left in the dark on this.
Im calling out the Zwift developers here - whats going on? Is it really that hard to sync ride data? Its not like Strava is some obscure platform that nobody uses. Youd think that by now, Zwift would have figured out how to make this work.
And dont even get me started on the lack of transparency from Zwift about this issue. No updates, no explanations, no apologies. Its like theyre just ignoring the problem and hoping itll magically fix itself.
Meanwhile, users are left to deal with the frustration of having to manually upload their workouts or just not bother with Zwift at all. And whats the point of that? If I wanted to manually log my workouts, Id just use a spreadsheet.
Id love to hear from others who are experiencing this issue. Are you having any luck getting your data to sync? Have you found any workarounds? And to the Zwift developers, Id love to hear your explanation for this debacle. Whats going on? When can we expect a fix? And what are you going to do to make it right for the users who have been affected by this?
Its time for some answers. The Zwift community deserves better than to be left in the dark on this.