Triathlon Training - 5 Swim Workouts a Week by Email!



Faster Swimming delivers five complete swim workouts, every week of the
for $5.95 a month.

Incredible price - incredible program, incredible results!

Swimming excellence doesn't happen by accident ... no hit or miss in
this sport. It takes a good training plan, practice and focus to stay
on top. Personal trainers can be expensive. One-on-one coaching
costs. But when you hit the water, great training gets great results.

Time is Money! Save both with the Faster Swimming Train Smarter Weekly

Triathlon Swimmers and Coaches - if you could have expert weekly
workouts delivered to your inbox every Sunday, would you do it?
We're talking five days of daily workout agendas designed to keep you
training smarter ... more efficient use of your pool time and a focused
approach to improvement, increased stamina and strength.

Imagine eliminating time spent developing a plan on your own,
remembering what exercises you did last week or figuring out what to
add this week. The planning time you'll save by purchasing the Faster
Swimming Train Smarter Workouts can actually be spent where it counts
.... in the pool, increasing your speed and sharpening your competitive

Getting Started is Easy!
· Simply go to and sign up
using our Secure Checkout.
· The weekly program will be billed to your credit card monthly -
just $5.95 - have credit card info handy.
· Each Sunday, you'll get a 5-day complete personal training
regimen for the week. Immediately start building your season strength,
using the exercises, and following the workout to faster swimming!
* Bonus - sign up NOW and you'll automatically receive the Faster
Swimming Newsletter!

Personal swim training, delivered to your inbox, for less than 30 cents
a workout? You can't afford not to try it! Get smart. Get fast.
Get swimming. Sign up for Faster Swimming Train Smarter Weekly
Workouts today!

Not satisfied? Cancel your subscription at any time ... we're
confident you'll get results.
Brian schreef:

> Faster Swimming delivers five complete swim workouts, every week of the
> month
> for $5.95 a month.

Come and join our club for 8 euro per month. Two trainers who you will
love to hate during training. Four trainings a week, thats 50 cts per