Trials movie: Venice Beach Unicycling



Over spring break my folks and I drove down to Los Angeles to visit my
uncle. It was cool because we got to hang out around Venice Beach, as
well as check out many of the colleges in that area.

Of course I brought my trials uni, and on Sunday my Dad was nice enough
to film me tearin' up the Beach area. (Which includes a little

All was well until I broke my KH seat. (That's the 2nd one I've
broken.) I pulled up for a small drop, and I felt the front two bolts
rip through the plastic. Ugh. Fortunately, my ride was not finished as
I was still able to hop seat out, by holding right next to the rear

Also, as I was riding down the boardwalk-type area, this downhill MT
biker named Chris Wilson started talking to me. He knew quite a lot
about Muni, and he told me he has ridden with Kris Holm.

So without further adieu, may I present:

To watch, go to ''
( (It's the first movie there).
It's 14.4 mb, and I should be getting a small version up there too.

Oh yeah, and the music is wicked cool!



Jester2000 - Pres. of the Del Oro CB Radio Club!

( '[image:]'
A new animation I made that is very cool:

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Jester2000 wrote:
> To watch, go to ''
> ( (It's the first movie
> there). It's 14.4 mb, and I should be getting a small version up
> there too.

I'd have liked to have seen a bit more of the kids on the recumbent
trikes in the background a little over 4 minutes in ;-)

> Oh yeah, and the music is wicked cool!

You're not wrong there.

Danny Colyer (the UK company has been laughed out of my reply address)
Why I like OE6 -
"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." - Thomas Paine

That part of Venice is a half mile from my crib. If you end up going to
school down here, we'll have to hook up. Local hills are full of ***
single tracks and the bike path (25 miles long, on the sand and right
next to the ocean) is second to none for speed Cokering.


vivalargo's Profile:
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vivalargo wrote:
> *That part of Venice is a half mile from my crib. *

Really? I was wondering if there were other unicyclists in the area. I
figured there were. Venice is such an awesome place, and that beach
area always has something going on. Chris Wilson was telling me about
the local hills. He said they were pretty good. Maybe next time I'll
bring my Muni!

Buh Bye!


Jester2000 - Pres. of the Del Oro CB Radio Club!

( '[image:]'
A new animation I made that is very cool:

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That was great. I think if I tried to ride like that here, I'd get
kicked out of most places.


daino149 - How's it going, Texas?

there ain't enough body armor in the country for me to try that. -- Ken
on the mtbr forum in reference to MUni
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daino149 wrote:
> *That was great. I think if I tried to ride like that here, I'd get
> kicked out of most places. *

And in most places you rightfully should. But where Jess was riding is
different. The area is full of skaters, skateboarders, and all sorts of
other people "doing their thing(s)." It's probably one of the more
acceptable places to ride on benches and walls. I've ridden there once
myself, but only on the flats.

Thanks for the movie, Jess!

johnfoss - Walkin' on the edge

John Foss, the Uni-Cyclone
"jfoss" at ""

"Hey, could I have some of that spinach? I need to get this pork rind
taste out of my mouth." -- Ryan Atkins to Kris Holm, on the way back
from Moab after sampling some of my pork rinds. They grossed out the
whole van!
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