Trek 7500FX or Fuji Silhouette

Originally posted by axl169
Can anyone suggest which one to get? They are both in the same price range. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.,109,112,110,111,113,114&myArrayID=25&yr=2004

Did you ever make a decision between the two? If so, was there a major selling point of one over the other?

I’m trying to gather more feedback on the Fuji Silhouette but haven’t been able tofind many reviews/comments. I’m also heading out to check out the Trek, but would really like some user feedback.
Originally posted by axl169
Can anyone suggest which one to get? They are both in the same price range. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.,109,112,110,111,113,114&myArrayID=25&yr=2004

Keep shopping to find bicycles with standard spoking patterns.

NO RADIAL and no huge gaps and odd spoke patterns. This is marketing hype and bad mechanical design. Wheels are too important and too expensive to mess with this marketing hype. The more people that buy this stuff, the more the marketing hype continues.
Originally posted by fotodog101
Did you ever make a decision between the two? If so, was there a major selling point of one over the other?

I’m trying to gather more feedback on the Fuji Silhouette but haven’t been able tofind many reviews/comments. I’m also heading out to check out the Trek, but would really like some user feedback.

I went with the Silhouette for $500 at a local bike store (thank god for Tax free shopping in DE). I chose it over the Trek b/c it's designed more for road biking as opposed to the Trek that is more of a hydrid which is a little heavier and with MTB gears (les gears). I've only ridden it once so far and it's a great ride. I am really happy with the purchase. Hope this helps.