training results: what is required to reach the top?


New Member
Oct 19, 2003
I decided to pay the money and do the lab test thing last week to determine my LT, vo2max, power at threshold, etc. I received my results yesterday and would really like to have a reference point to know what to aim for, such as pro figures for such tests. I understand knowing these figures will not make me any better but for me it would be a motivational tool to keep me focussed on my goals. I will list the figures i registered below and if anyone has any comments or relevant links they would be greatly appreciated:

Height: 193 cm
Weight: 84 kg
VO2Max: 72.5
6.12 L.min
LT threshold: 157 bpm
Max HR: 190 bpm
% of HR Max at LT: 82.6
Power at LT: 356.3 W
% of VOmax at LT: 78.2
lactate at LT: 3.5 mmol.L

thanks in advance!! :D :D
Those are good figures, but it will in part depend on where the figures came from (i.e., the accuracy of the power readings, which is the crucial aspect).

As an idea the worlds best 1-hr TT performance is ~ 6.5 W/kg (i.e., 442 W, 68 kg). Currently, it appears that your TT power is around 356 W, possibly higher (depending on how the lab has defined LT), which is 4.24 W/kg
Thanks for your response ric.

The testing was done at the Centre for Athletic Testing at the University of Western Australia. I couldnt vouch for their accuracy, though they do such tests for the Western Australian Institute of Sport, so that suggests that they (hopefully) are reliable.

The defined point for my LT was the point where my lactate concentration reached 4.0 mmol.

Based upon the figures you have given for the worlds best TT (6.5) i have a fair amount of training ahead of me!. What would be a fair figure (W/kg at LT) to aim for to be competitive in regional and national road competitions?
Assuming that WAIS use calibrated SRMs, a Power Tap, or a Monark ergometer (other power meters or ergometers *may* not be as accurate) then you're probably at a competitive regional level at present. Performance, however, will be directly related to the equipment you use and your position on the bike* (as well as the power you produce). Top national level TTers are likely to be able to do a 40km TT at ~ 5 W/kg.

*To better illustrate this, myself and A. N. Other when fit both TT at the same power (give or take a couple watts), and power to mass ratio. I only occasionally TT (maybe once or twice a year), and therefore use a standard road bike with no aero anything. A N Other TTs regularly and quite rightly has all the kit, and an aero position. The difference in our times over 40km/25miles is large. i'm about 5-mins slower. Bear in mind myself and A N Other are in two different countries, so some of the difference will be topographical and environmental (but only a small amount).

Finally, if you want to know how you stack up against the competition, your best bet is to race against them!

Thats true, you only ever really know when you get out there put your cards on the table!
This A N Other ric, he sounds quite strong...How come ive never heard of him? ;)