Whats the point of all the touchy-feely, feel-good nonsense about mental toughness and positive self-talk in crit racing prep, when the reality is that most of you are just going to crack under the pressure and quit when things get real? How many of you are actually addressing the fact that crit racing is just as much about being willing to hurt and suffer as it is about being physically fit? All this coddling and hand-holding about managing nerves and building confidence isnt going to make a difference when youre in the midst of a chaotic, high-stakes crit and your legs are screaming at you to stop. What concrete, actionable strategies are you using to train for the very real psychological pressure of crit racing, or are you just relying on cliches and empty affirmations to get you through? Are you actually practicing the mental skills that will help you push past the pain and fear, or are you just pretending like thats not what it takes to be successful in this sport?