Is it really necessary for serious cyclists to invest in TrainerRoads structured plans when free alternatives like YouTube and training forums offer similar training advice and workouts, or is it just a case of cyclists being sold a bill of goods by marketing hype and social proof from pro riders, and wouldnt a properly structured plan from a knowledgeable coach or experienced cyclist be just as effective, if not more so, than TrainerRoads one-size-fits-all approach to training, and what exactly do the actual training data and results show in terms of tangible benefits to cyclists who use TrainerRoad compared to those who dont, and are we just seeing the placebo effect in action here, where cyclists who pay for TrainerRoads plans feel like theyre getting a better workout just because theyre paying for it, and shouldnt we be focusing more on the actual physiological adaptations and performance gains rather than just blindly following a structured plan, no matter how well-designed it may be.