Ive seen a lot of rave reviews about TrainerRoads ramp test, but Im wondering if people actually find it as effective as they claim. It seems to me that the test is a bit too simplistic, relying on a 20-minute all-out effort to determine an athletes functional threshold power. Dont get me wrong, I think its a great way to get a general idea of where you stand, but is it really an accurate indicator of ones true FTP?
Ive noticed that a lot of people seem to be obsessed with getting a high FTP score, even if it doesnt necessarily translate to real-world performance. And what about all the variables that can affect the test results, like fatigue, nutrition, and even the type of bike and trainer being used? It seems like theres a lot of room for error.
Im not saying the ramp test is useless, but I do think its being overhyped. So, I want to ask: do people really think the ramp test is the be-all and end-all of FTP testing, and do they truly believe its a reliable indicator of their actual fitness level? Or are people just drinking the TrainerRoad Kool-Aid and blindly accepting the results without questioning their validity?
Ive noticed that a lot of people seem to be obsessed with getting a high FTP score, even if it doesnt necessarily translate to real-world performance. And what about all the variables that can affect the test results, like fatigue, nutrition, and even the type of bike and trainer being used? It seems like theres a lot of room for error.
Im not saying the ramp test is useless, but I do think its being overhyped. So, I want to ask: do people really think the ramp test is the be-all and end-all of FTP testing, and do they truly believe its a reliable indicator of their actual fitness level? Or are people just drinking the TrainerRoad Kool-Aid and blindly accepting the results without questioning their validity?