TR - Schiehallion


Andy Crawford

The New Millennium path, funded through public appeal, begins at the south
end of the car park and ascends at an easy angle, winding its way across the
moorland and up the hillside to 2,880 feet/874m from where it becomes
rougher and less distinct. The route rises along the rocky backbone of the
mountain and, after a slightly steeper climb, the angle of ascent eases off
again and the summit, a mass of large, angular, quartzite boulders comes
into view.

Negotiating the boulders over the rough terrain is something of a challenge
and extreme care should be taken to avoid injury.

The summit is mostly great slabs of rock and is marked by a cairn. There was
once a triangulation pillar on the summit but it has now gone.

Take time to savour the views before returning by the ascent route.

Distance: 6½ miles/10.5km.

Map: OS 1:50,000 Landranger Sheet 51 or 52 or 1:25,000 Explorer Sheet 386

Start/Finish: Braes o' Foss car park Grid Ref NN753557. The public toilets
here are closed in winter.

Grading: A straight-forward mountain ascent suitable for fit adults and
older children, many youngsters start their Munro 'bagging' on Schiehallion
at a very early age.

For more information and pictures visit:

Andy Crawford

Remove "my boots" to e-mail me
Phil Cook typed:

404 error. File not found.

Sorry, my apologies ... will make the website later tomorrow!

Watch this space *<:)

Andy Crawford

Remove "my boots" to e-mail me
The message <[email protected]>
from "Andy Crawford" <[email protected]> contains these words:

> Distance: 6½ miles/10.5km.

> Map: OS 1:50,000 Landranger Sheet 51 or 52 or 1:25,000 Explorer Sheet 386

> Start/Finish: Braes o' Foss car park Grid Ref NN753557. The public toilets
> here are closed in winter.

> Grading: A straight-forward mountain ascent suitable for fit adults and
> older children, many youngsters start their Munro 'bagging' on Schiehallion
> at a very early age.

Should that grading be 'suitable for unfit adults'? My 1" doesn't have
any path marked on it but the obvious line looks no more than 6 miles
and 2500 feet of ascent - a 3 hour bimble.

Roger Chapman so far this year 97 summits
New - 69 (Marilyns 14, Sweats 5, Outlying Fells 57)
Repeats - 28 (Marilyns 11, Sweats 21, Wainwrights 16, Outlying Fells 1)
On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 20:38:50 GMT, Roger wrote:

>The message <[email protected]>
>from "Andy Crawford" <[email protected]> contains these words:
>> Distance: 6½ miles/10.5km.

>> Map: OS 1:50,000 Landranger Sheet 51 or 52 or 1:25,000 Explorer Sheet 386

>> Start/Finish: Braes o' Foss car park Grid Ref NN753557. The public toilets
>> here are closed in winter.

>> Grading: A straight-forward mountain ascent suitable for fit adults and
>> older children, many youngsters start their Munro 'bagging' on Schiehallion
>> at a very early age.

>Should that grading be 'suitable for unfit adults'? My 1" doesn't have
>any path marked on it but the obvious line looks no more than 6 miles
>and 2500 feet of ascent - a 3 hour bimble.

The obvious line became a peaty quagmire a la Pennine Way. I almost
stood on a hen ptarmigan on it in 1996 coming down from my first
Mu*r*. Little did I realise what I was getting into.

The *Millennium* path was built in er... 2000 so it's hardly going to
feature on a one inch map c.1957 is it? The old path is shown on the
second series 1:50k and the 1:25k available on the OS Get-A-Map site.
Phil Cook looking north over the park to the "Westminster Gasworks"
"Phil Cook" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 20:38:50 GMT, Roger wrote:
> >The message <[email protected]>
> >from "Andy Crawford" <[email protected]> contains these words:
> >
> >> Distance: 6½ miles/10.5km.

> >
> >> Map: OS 1:50,000 Landranger Sheet 51 or 52 or 1:25,000 Explorer Sheet

> >
> >> Start/Finish: Braes o' Foss car park Grid Ref NN753557. The public

> >> here are closed in winter.

> >
> >> Grading: A straight-forward mountain ascent suitable for fit adults and
> >> older children, many youngsters start their Munro 'bagging' on

> >> at a very early age.

> >
> >Should that grading be 'suitable for unfit adults'? My 1" doesn't have
> >any path marked on it but the obvious line looks no more than 6 miles
> >and 2500 feet of ascent - a 3 hour bimble.

> The obvious line became a peaty quagmire a la Pennine Way. I almost
> stood on a hen ptarmigan on it in 1996 coming down from my first
> Mu*r*. Little did I realise what I was getting into.
> The *Millennium* path was built in er... 2000 so it's hardly going to
> feature on a one inch map c.1957 is it? The old path is shown on the
> second series 1:50k and the 1:25k available on the OS Get-A-Map site.

There's a photo showing what the new path is like at

The line of it traverses away from the car park to the foot of the ridge and
then follows the line of the ridge, rather than the old "straight up a
diagonal line" path which could be seen for miles.

The JMT Glasgow Group are planning an outing next spring to send a party up
each of seven recognised routes to the summit.

Duncan Gray
also The Mountaineering Council of Scotland
Duncan Gray typed:


> There's a photo showing what the new path is like at
> The line of it traverses away from the car park to the foot of the
> ridge and then follows the line of the ridge, rather than the old
> "straight up a diagonal line" path which could be seen for miles.
> The JMT Glasgow Group are planning an outing next spring to send a
> party up each of seven recognised routes to the summit.

Thanks Duncan. I see you got a good day to 'bag' Schiehallion :)
Nice pic ... shows a section of the new path that's been 'paved'.
Congratulations to the workers who laid down the new route. :)
Look out for my pic selection later today!
Andy Crawford

Remove "my boots" to e-mail me
"Andy Crawford" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Duncan Gray typed:
> <snip>
>> There's a photo showing what the new path is like at
>> The line of it traverses away from the car park to the foot of the
>> ridge and then follows the line of the ridge, rather than the old
>> "straight up a diagonal line" path which could be seen for miles.
>> The JMT Glasgow Group are planning an outing next spring to send a
>> party up each of seven recognised routes to the summit.

> Thanks Duncan. I see you got a good day to 'bag' Schiehallion :)
> Nice pic ... shows a section of the new path that's been 'paved'.
> Congratulations to the workers who laid down the new route. :)
> Look out for my pic selection later today!
> --

Without trying to do down the efforts of the folk who did this, can I just
say that I hate these paths! I don't mean from an aesthetic point of view
(they're questionable, but so much better than the sort of mess that was
there before). I actually find them uncomfortable to descend on. Too much
knee-jarring. And in the winter they ice over too easily. Go back and take
that photo next year to see the muddy trail down each side.


>Without trying to do down the efforts of the folk who did this, can I just
>say that I hate these paths! I don't mean from an aesthetic point of view
>(they're questionable, but so much better than the sort of mess that was
>there before). I actually find them uncomfortable to descend on. Too much
>knee-jarring. And in the winter they ice over too easily. Go back and take
>that photo next year to see the muddy trail down each side.

Cannot possibly b eworse than the old mud trench. Remember the the
hills are there for others as well. Perhaps the other tourists dont
want to see our mess in their views. Time Carn Liath (Beinn a'Ghlo)
was sorted. Even 20 years ago that scar , now visible from the Ochils
BTW, was far worse than any pitched path to walk down.

Everyone is free not to climb Schiehallion - and even if you do want
to the hill "best looked at but not climbed" there are other routes,
some that need wresting back from the gomls.

Richard Webb
Oh, isn't that a nice path, I could almost walk up Schielhallion again -
this time free from mud and rock!

On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 22:12:30 GMT, "Jhimmy"
<[email protected]> wrote:

>Oh, isn't that a nice path, I could almost walk up Schielhallion again -
>this time free from mud and rock!

You wish...

Plenty of rock further up... Would say go after snow, but its always

Richard Webb
On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:03:43 GMT, [email protected] (RJ Webb) wrote:

>Cannot possibly b eworse than the old mud trench. Remember the the
>hills are there for others as well. Perhaps the other tourists dont
>want to see our mess in their views. Time Carn Liath (Beinn a'Ghlo)
>was sorted.

I'd rather they sorted that than 'improved' paths where there was no
problem. The latest that they;ve ruined is down by Cautley Spout in
the Howgills. When I last did it about 3 years ago it was a pleasant
steep path, loose in a couple of places but mostly still covered by
grass. 3 weeks ago I was saddened to see they've built a new stone
path all the way down. Which since it was covered with ice at the
time was rather dangerous, as well as being visible from a long way
away, which the old line never was.

Maybe we could have a whip round to but some one-way train tickets to
take the path builders somewhere they might do some good.

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