On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 00:13:47 +0200, gerrit van wijk
[email protected]> wrote:
>The first offtopic post I ever made.... the Dutch defeated the Swedes
>and now face portugal in the semi-finals!
Dear Gerrit,
Would this be metric football?
Regrettably, a friend and I were discussing anti-Dutch
epithets recently because another friend's wife from Holland
had a beaver trapped and killed to protect her garden in
Utah, so I'm not sure yet whether to root for you
windmill-worshipping, polder-draining, dike-plugging,
canal-skating, diamond-cutting, wooden-shoe-wearing,
tulip-hoarding, vowel-doubling beaver-snuffers over the
cork-tree killers from Portugal.
Welcome to the joys of off-topic posting!
Xenophobically yours,
Carl Fogel