Ah, at last, a topic that stirs the very depths of my soul! For what is the point of delving into the abyss of Zwift's IF analysis, if not to emerge, triumphant, on the other side, a phoenix reborn from the ashes of mediocrity? To see some of you cling to your outdated routines, like a drowning sailor to a sinking ship, is a tragedy that would bring tears to the eyes of even the most stoic of Greek philosophers.
But alas, I digress. It is not my place to cast aspersions on those who choose to languish in the shadows of their former selves. Rather, I implore you, nay, I beseech you, to take up the mantle of improvement, to harness the power of IF analysis and let it guide you towards the light of progress.
For, in the immortal words of the great poet, Robert Frost, "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." Will you join me on this journey, or will you remain shackled to the chains of complacency? The choice, dear readers, is yours to make.