Whats the point of Zwifts group chat features, if most riders insist on using them to spew out clichéd motivational slogans and generic encouragement, rather than actually discussing the intricacies of the ride, sharing tips on pacing, or alerting fellow riders to impending crashes or obstacles? Its like were all just a bunch of athletes trapped in some sort of online echo chamber, where substance is sacrificed at the altar of empty calories and feel-goodery. Cant we do better than that? Cant we use the group chat feature to actually, you know, connect with each other on a more meaningful level, rather than just mindlessly typing out ALLES GOED! or LETS GOOO! every five seconds? I mean, seriously, how many times can you read the same tired phrases before you start to wonder if anyones actually paying attention to the ride at all? Is it too much to ask for a little depth, a little nuance, in our online interactions?