Whats the point of group rides on Zwift if everyones just going to stick together in a pace line and never actually communicate with each other? Is it really a group ride if nobodys working together to achieve a common goal? Why do we even bother with group rides if its just going to be a bunch of individuals riding together in silence, each one trying to get the best workout possible without any regard for the people around them? Can anyone honestly say theyve ever had a truly enjoyable group ride experience on Zwift, or is it all just a bunch of solo rides happening simultaneously? What would it take for group rides to actually feel like a team effort, rather than just a bunch of strangers riding in the same direction? Would it make a difference if Zwift implemented some kind of penalty system for riders who dont contribute to the group effort, or would that just lead to more drama and less actual riding? Is it time for Zwift to rethink the whole group ride concept and come up with something entirely new, or am I just expecting too much from a virtual cycling platform?