Why is it that so many cyclists still fail to grasp the concept of assertive riding in busy and congested urban environments, and instead choose to meekly hug the curb, obstructing traffic flow and reinforcing the stereotype that cyclists are a menace to society? What is it about the phrase taking the lane that is so difficult to comprehend, and how can we as a cycling community more effectively educate our peers on the importance of confident and visible road positioning? Are we simply too afraid of confrontation, or are we more concerned with being liked by motorists than with being seen as a legitimate and equal road user? Do we need to start emphasizing the economic and environmental benefits of cycling in order to justify our presence on the roads, or can we simply demand respect as a matter of basic human rights? Ultimately, what will it take for cyclists to stop apologizing for their very existence and start demanding the safe and equitable infrastructure that we so desperately need?