[email protected] wrote:
> I had no choice with the hospital food I mean i had to eat whatever
> they give me . I left it because of the glocuse drip( which is supposed
> to have sugarin it ) I was on it for a few days . Since I already
> stated I have done this before . I know the whole stages thing . I have
> read the freaking book sheesh people. I just cant be bothered to look
> for it ( its probably somewhere at my parents house so i dont have
> access to it ) . Anways I have started to lose weight I just tried on
> pair of jeans that didnt fit me perfectly before and its fits fine now
> . So i guess I have started to lose weight ( the scale hasnt changed
> yet though ).
If you don't know whether or not mayo is allowed, you are not doing any
low-carb program. To even ask the question implies a complete lack of
comprehension of low-carb.
> Dont suggest any veggies I absolutely hate em .
Fine. Let me ask you this - from where are you getting 20 g of carb
per day? And how are you going to increase carb by 5 grams/day to get
onto OWL? And continue increasing through the other phases? That is
Atkins... that you increase carbs gradually, using vegetables, until
you are on maintenance.
What you are doing is some random low-carb diet you made up. No
problem. I do a low-carb diet that I've made up. Just that mine is
based on informaiton because I'm not an idjit.
The problem comes when... you ask for advice and then refuse the advice
you will be given before it's given.
You want to exclude veggies? Fine. Then the *only* way to increase
carbs is gonna be sugar/starch, dairy products or fruit.
If you use sugar/starch to increase your carbs, you are going to be
doing the yo-yo diet thing forever. Eat meat-only until you lose
weight, eat sugar and starch until you blow up, lather, rinse, repeat
until you wind up with diabetes. This is not Atkins, nor any other
low-carb WOE. It's utter stupidity - what you seem determined to do,
and you want us to "help" you along. Problem is... we're not stupid
enough to help with this.
I personally think using dairy to increase carbs gradually would end up
a problem in the weight-loss phases. I think if it turns out your OWL
level is around 50-60 grams of carb, then the amount of dairy you'd
have to eat to get those carbs would be an *awful* lot of fat, and
hence calories. I think using dairy as the sole food to titrate
carbohydrate would interfere with weight loss eventually - it'd work
for a while, but there'd come a point where it'd stop working. I love
dairy myself, but I don't try to get all my carbs from it as I eat tons
of veggies.
If you wish to use fruit to increase your carbs, that is do-able. You
pretty much have to stick to melons and berries as they are the only
relatively low-carb fruits. And... if that is how you're going to do
the plan... where your maintenance diet, for the rest of your life,
consists of meat and fruit, that is do-able. If that's what you choose
to eat for the rest of your life, more power to you. That will work,
but you're going to have to do the research yourself and become
knowledgeable about how low-carb diets work as I know of no book that
has a maintenance plan consisting of meat and fruit.
Same applies if you decide to use dairy and fruit both - you're going
to have to do the research and understand the biochemistry to devise
your own plan.
> Also I was just wondering if any of u guys have tried protein bars . I
> know I am allowed 40ish grm of carbs in induction .. I just dont know
> the nutritional information for them . SO if they are ok could u tell
> me which are the best ones . I saw something with 4gms of carbs but it
> cost 5 bucks a bar .
See, you *don't* know squat. The induction limit is 20 grams. Read a
freaking book already.
But... no, you aren't going to do that. You want to change your entire
lifestyle permanently, but it is too much trouble to find and read a
Cause you don't want to change your lifestyle permanently. You wanna
do a fad diet, yo-yo indefinetly, and just do it wrong again. And you
want our help doing it wrong. Problem is... we've read the freaking
books... so we have no help to give you. Yo-yo'ing is worse for your
health than just staying fat. So... might as well give up right now.
And even if it *were* too much trouble to locate the book, because you
live far from all libraries and bookstores and have no card for online
purchasing, there's the FAQ of this newsgroup if it's *really* too much
trouble to get the damned book. It's freaking posted all the damned
time and full of info regarding low-carb of either the Atkins or other
varieities. You could do low-carb quite successfully without a book if
you just read that.
So... it's too much trouble to *read*, but you're gonna change your
life? Right.
See... you aren't going to change, you have no commitment to change.
You're engaging in mental masturbation about change and jerking-around
the members of this group who are wasting their time replying to you -
cause you're completly full of ****.
You're not on Atkins. You're on some fad diet you invented that has no
correlation with any published low-carb plan nor any reasonable
homegrown plan.
I'm having a JC moment here; everything else I want to say would be a
direct quote of him.