Three Warrick rebuttals


New Member
Jan 11, 2005
Went to the dunny at work and on the floor was a copy of today's mX. No digital camera on hand so here goes:


A visicous cycle of death on the road.

Warrick of Rowville (mX Wednesday) is not aware of th facts concerning road deaths and sounds like a typical frustrated driver that should get on his bike and become a lot safer.

The statistics produced by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau show that the percentage of road users killed - by vehicle occupents - amounts to 70.1%, pedestrians 16.2$, motorcycists 16.2% and cyclists 2.2%.

A futher study in Europe and California showed that increasing the number of cyclists on the road was assosciated with a reduction in the rate of deaths and serious injuires.

These facts show that cyclists should rule the road, not cars.

- Richard, Brighton (LOTD winner)

Get in the slow lane

I seriously considered not responding to Warrick's letter. By responding I'm taking my energy away from doing far more important tasks. I'm not going to respond to your comments other than say that you should know that other people are working towards a vision of Melbourne in the future.

This vision involves people, out and about on foot, on bikes, on public transport moving around from A to B, meeting and greeting their fellow Melbournians. What a great place. Why don't you get on board, get out of your car and on your bike.

- Teresa, Essendon

Keep cyclists safe

Warrick argues that cars are so dangerous that the only way to protect cyclists is to get them off the road.

Huh? If cars are the problem then the obvious remedy is to push them off the road, not cyclists.

But we all know that's not going to happen, so the next best thing is to keep cyclists away from cars, just as pedestrians are.

It's a common sight in Europe to see cycling lanes seperated from traffic by a barrier or parked cars.

- Alison, Abbotsford.

On opposing page there's a Lifestyle article titled `Latte Lovers'. Two photos of cyclists. one of a couple of roadies grabbing a cuppa at Cafe Racer and another of a young chic lady on a cruiser.

Take that anit-cyclists! Rar Rar! :)
On 2006-02-10, EuanB (aka Bruce)
was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea:
> On opposing page there's a Lifestyle article titled `Latte Lovers'.
> Two photos of cyclists. one of a couple of roadies grabbing a cuppa at
> Cafe Racer and another of a young chic lady on a cruiser.

Awww! Dammit! I'm missing page 17/18.

"We must use Tim as a tool, not as a couch." -- J F Kennedy
--screwtape on RHOD