Is it really just a generational difference or is the fact that most people over 40 still swear by traditional lubes simply a result of being too set in their old ways to adapt to new technology? And conversely, are the younger riders who opt for wax just following the trend without actually understanding the science behind it, or is there genuinely something superior about the performance and longevity of wax-coated chains?
It seems like every discussion on this topic devolves into an age-based argument, with older riders claiming that traditional lubes have been perfected over decades and younger riders insisting that wax is the clear winner for modern cycling. But what if we strip away the age factor and just look at the data - which method truly offers better performance, reduced maintenance, and increased chain lifespan?
Is there any credible research that supports the claim that one is definitively better than the other, or is this just a case of my dad did it this way, so it must be right? And what about the environmental impact of the various options - are there any eco-friendly alternatives that can match the performance of traditional lubes and wax?
It seems like every discussion on this topic devolves into an age-based argument, with older riders claiming that traditional lubes have been perfected over decades and younger riders insisting that wax is the clear winner for modern cycling. But what if we strip away the age factor and just look at the data - which method truly offers better performance, reduced maintenance, and increased chain lifespan?
Is there any credible research that supports the claim that one is definitively better than the other, or is this just a case of my dad did it this way, so it must be right? And what about the environmental impact of the various options - are there any eco-friendly alternatives that can match the performance of traditional lubes and wax?