Are classic rim brakes truly less efficient than modern disc brakes in real-world riding conditions, or is this a myth perpetuated by the industry to drive sales of more expensive components? Its often said that disc brakes offer better modulation and more consistent performance in wet conditions, but how much of a difference does this really make for the average rider who isnt racing at the professional level?
Is it possible that the perceived advantages of disc brakes are largely due to the fact that theyre often paired with more expensive, high-end bikes that have better overall build quality and more precise tolerances? Could it be that the actual difference in braking performance between rim brakes and disc brakes is relatively small, and that other factors such as tire choice, wheel quality, and rider technique play a much bigger role in determining overall safety and control?
Furthermore, are the benefits of disc brakes worth the added weight, complexity, and maintenance requirements? Rim brakes have been around for decades and have a proven track record of reliability and simplicity, so is it really necessary to switch to disc brakes for anything other than extreme downhill or high-speed mountain biking?
Its also worth considering the environmental impact of the cycling industrys push towards disc brakes. The production and disposal of disc brake components likely has a significant environmental footprint, so is the added performance really worth the cost to the planet? Or are we just being sold a bill of goods by the industry and its marketing machines?
Ultimately, is the move towards disc brakes a case of genuine innovation and progress, or is it just a way for manufacturers to drive sales and differentiate themselves in a crowded market?
Is it possible that the perceived advantages of disc brakes are largely due to the fact that theyre often paired with more expensive, high-end bikes that have better overall build quality and more precise tolerances? Could it be that the actual difference in braking performance between rim brakes and disc brakes is relatively small, and that other factors such as tire choice, wheel quality, and rider technique play a much bigger role in determining overall safety and control?
Furthermore, are the benefits of disc brakes worth the added weight, complexity, and maintenance requirements? Rim brakes have been around for decades and have a proven track record of reliability and simplicity, so is it really necessary to switch to disc brakes for anything other than extreme downhill or high-speed mountain biking?
Its also worth considering the environmental impact of the cycling industrys push towards disc brakes. The production and disposal of disc brake components likely has a significant environmental footprint, so is the added performance really worth the cost to the planet? Or are we just being sold a bill of goods by the industry and its marketing machines?
Ultimately, is the move towards disc brakes a case of genuine innovation and progress, or is it just a way for manufacturers to drive sales and differentiate themselves in a crowded market?