Shouldnt we reconsider the notion of calling ourselves cyclists if we cant accept those who ride ebikes as equal members of our community, and isnt the real issue here not the ebike itself, but rather the fact that its forcing traditional cyclists to confront their own biases and insecurities about the sport they love. Is it fair to say that some of the animosity towards ebikes stems from a fear that they will somehow dilute the authenticity of cycling, and if so, isnt that a pretty arrogant and elitist attitude. Doesnt the fact that many ebike riders are people who might not have been able to ride at all otherwise, due to health or mobility issues, make them more deserving of our respect and admiration, not less. Shouldnt we be celebrating the fact that ebikes are getting more people out there on two wheels, regardless of whether theyre worrying about their Strava times or not. And what exactly is the difference between someone who rides an ebike because they need a little extra help, and someone who rides a traditional bike with the help of top-of-the-line carbon fiber and expensive components - is it really just a matter of where you draw the line.