Whats the point of hiring a cycling coach for fondo training when you can just follow a generic online training plan and still achieve a respectable finish time? Is it just a matter of having someone to hold your hand through the process, or are there actual tangible benefits to working with a coach that cant be replicated through self-directed training?
Isnt it true that many coaches are just using the same training plans theyve been using for years, with minimal customization for individual riders? And if thats the case, whats the value proposition of hiring a coach versus just buying a training plan online or joining a group ride with a experienced leader?
Are coaches really worth the money, or is it just a case of people feeling like they need to justify their expensive bikes and gear by hiring a coach to go along with it? And what about the argument that fondo riding is all about endurance and perseverance, rather than fancy training plans and coaches? Cant you just as easily build up your endurance by riding long distances on the weekends and doing some interval training during the week?
It seems like the cycling community is obsessed with hiring coaches and paying for expensive training plans, but is it really necessary? Or is it just a case of people trying to buy their way to success rather than putting in the hard work and dedication required to actually improve?
Isnt it true that many coaches are just using the same training plans theyve been using for years, with minimal customization for individual riders? And if thats the case, whats the value proposition of hiring a coach versus just buying a training plan online or joining a group ride with a experienced leader?
Are coaches really worth the money, or is it just a case of people feeling like they need to justify their expensive bikes and gear by hiring a coach to go along with it? And what about the argument that fondo riding is all about endurance and perseverance, rather than fancy training plans and coaches? Cant you just as easily build up your endurance by riding long distances on the weekends and doing some interval training during the week?
It seems like the cycling community is obsessed with hiring coaches and paying for expensive training plans, but is it really necessary? Or is it just a case of people trying to buy their way to success rather than putting in the hard work and dedication required to actually improve?