Why do roadies continue to obsess over weight savings when the average rider is only shaving off a few watts per pound lost, and yet theyre willing to sacrifice comfort, durability, and safety in the process? Is it purely an ego-driven pursuit to have the lightest bike on the group ride, or is there actual data to support the notion that these marginal gains are worth the trade-offs? And whats with the trend of spending thousands of dollars on exotic materials and parts that only serve to reduce the overall weight of the bike by a few grams? Are riders really getting faster or are they just getting poorer? And what about the riders who are sacrificing functionality and practicality for the sake of a lighter bike? Are they really willing to deal with creaky, flexy frames and sketchy braking performance just to save a few grams? And dont even get me started on the aero advantages of certain components that are only proven in a wind tunnel, not in real-world riding conditions. At what point does the pursuit of weight savings become an exercise in diminishing returns, and why are roadies so willing to drink the Kool-Aid on this one?